beautiful way in which we get to do what
Jesus did. Jesus said that those who are
well don’t need a doctor but those who are
sick do. (See Mark 2:17). The women in the
jail desperately need a doctor. And that
physician is Jesus. Visiting the ladies is so
important to me, because I bring Jesus—and
that is their greatest need. They need the
Father, they need forgiveness, they need the
Living Water, they need God. I don’t have
anything to offer them, in and of myself. But
when I bring Jesus, then I bring them Truth,
and Life, and the Way to salvation. And yes,
the women at the jail generally embrace us.
I believe this is because most of the ladies
we speak with are desperately seeking hope.
And although we are pretty ordinary people,
we have the light of God inside of us. That
is what the women embrace and desire the
most. (See 2 Corinthians 4:6-7).
HimPower: What would you say to
someone who has drifted away from Christ
and gotten lost in sin?
Wiebracht: I would say that there is
only one who can save, only one who can
deliver, only one who can fill, and it is Jesus
Christ. And He is after you. He is pursuing
you. And He desires for you to love Him.
Not with just a little piece of yourself. But
with all your heart, all your soul, all your
strength and all your mind (See Luke 10:27).
HimPower: If you could do anything
over, what would it be?
Wiebracht: From when I was still in the
womb, I would have loved Jesus more than
anyone or anything. I would have lived
far more of my life with Him, instead of
running, ignoring and rejecting Him. But
the good news is: I get to live with Him
today… and tomorrow.. and the day after…
and then every single moment, forever and
ever and ever. And one day, I will see him
face to face. What can someone give in
exchange for that? Now that’s good news. 29