HIMPower Magazine HimPower October 2017 | Page 27

eating disorder, it would be a lie to say that I don’t still struggle to put someone or some- thing above God. It’s a daily battle. When I am anxious or lonely, will I run to Jesus or will I go to my husband, my appearance, or to something else, to find the release that I crave? This is a struggle I have to face over and over again, day by day. But as I remain in Him, He does the hard work. He bears the fruit. Without Him, I can’t do anything. (see John 15:5). HimPower: Why is the rela- tionship you now have with Christ important to you? Wiebracht: Because I am sunk without Him. I can’t imagine breathing or making it through one day without Him. I cannot live apart from Him. There is no hope, if it isn’t found in my Jesus. HimPower: What challenges have you faced since accepting Christ as your Savior? Wiebracht: I went through a terrible divorce when my first husband left me. I struggled with poverty as I raised my two children as a single parent. I was relying on the government to help feed us, while at the same time still reeling with all the incred- ibly deep pain of feeling rejected and aban- doned. But it was also a beautiful season for me, because during this period of incred- ible suffering, God showed me that He is my husband. I clung to the verses in Isaiah where God says to Israel, “For your Maker is your husband-the Lord Almighty is his name-” and also “The Lord will call you back as if you were a wife deserted and distressed in spirit—a wife who married young, only to be rejected,” says your God. (See Isaiah 54:5a, 6). I realized that I had made my former husband an idol in my life Silas and Symry, 2016 and that God wanted to be my first love. HimPower: How has Christ helped you through those challenges? Wiebracht: He was faithful. He was my provider. In little ways, like receiving free used clothes with my favorite colored shirts in the bag. Or a church putting up a beau- tiful tree swing in our yard at Christmas. Things were hard. I struggled spiritually. But God was a faithful husband to me and a faithful father to my children. He did not abandon us. HimPower: How have your challenges enabled you to grow a closer personal rela- tionship with Christ? Wiebracht: Even now that I am remar- ried to a wonderful godly man, and my www.himpowermagazine.com  27