needing a place to be alone , I went into the small park restroom and sat on the floor beside the toilette . The door wouldn ’ t lock . I was afraid . There in that bathroom , something hit me . I was all alone . No one was with me . No one , except Jesus . This is when I realized , when push came to shove , Jesus was all I had . Although my parents were always ready to welcome me back home , I now saw , there was no one who could be there for me like Jesus could .
HimPower : Was there any particular event that led to you to accept Christ as your personal Lord and Savior ?
Wiebracht : I believe I accepted Jesus as a child . I asked him for forgiveness many times as a young girl and I surrendered my life to him at about age 12 . However , as I grew older , I began to reject Him , and tried to replace Him with other things . I attempted to have my deepest needs met in men , drugs , my appearance and in cutting . It all left me empty . There is a verse that I love where Jesus is at a feast , and He gets up and cries out , “ If anyone thirsts , let him come to me and drink . Whoever believes in me , as the Scripture has said , ‘ Out of his heart will flow rivers of living water .’” ( John 7:37-38 ). This is the truth . God ’ s Spirit within me is the only one who can meet the deep cravings of my soul . It is His
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But now he has reconciled you by Christ ’ s physical body through death to present you holy in his sight , without blemish and free from accusation —
Colossians 1:22
Spirit that provides the forgiveness and relief from my shame , which cutting could never accomplish . It is His Spirit that gives me the joy , release and hope that I craved from drugs . Again , it is His Spirit who provides me with the love that I so desired from men . And it is His Spirit that tells me I am fearfully and wonderfully made- not the mirror or the scale . ( See Psalm 139:14 )
HimPower : How has your life changed as a result of your relationship with Christ ?
Wiebracht : First and foremost , because Jesus gave himself up on the cross for me and spilled His blood for my freedom , and then rose back up from the grave — only because of this — I now stand blameless and pure , without a single fault . I am free . Not because of anything I have done or failed to do , but only because His sacrifice bought my soul . It is finished . He purchased me , and there is nothing I can do to add or take away from that purchase . That overwhelms me with joy . ( See Colossians 1:22 )
In regards to how my life has been transformed as I have grown closer to Jesus , He has changed the longings of my heart . The more I run to Him to have the needs of my soul filled , the more desirous I become of His Spirit and the less attractive my own idols and broken cisterns appear . Although I no longer use hard drugs , or cut , or have an