The Walls Before Me
by Chizoba Anyimukwu
ello HimPower family! First,
before reading this article (if time
permits), take out your Bibles and
study Exodus 14, make some notes
on what you got from what you read and
then continue reading below.
Sometimes we may find ourselves in
unpleasant situations, and we feel like we
are alone, enclosed by a wall with no way
out. You are being treated unfairly, and with
increasing gradients the pain pinches like
a pack of sharp pins and you can feel the
soreness. You believed so much that God
will pull you through a certain situation but
it seems the help is not in sight. In Exodus
14 remember the Lord informed Moses to
tell the children of Israel where they should
encamp. However, when the Egyptian char-
iots pursued and enclosed the Israelites
like a wall, they began to question God’s
leading. They asked the Lord if He brought
12 HimPower November/December 2018
them this far to leave them. However, they
were victorious at the end right?
There are 4 Christian life lessons to be
learned from Exodus 14:
1. Before you make any move in life, seek
God’s will concerning it. Exodus 14:1-3.
2. Whom do you listen to? Which fellow-
ship gathering are you affiliated with?
You may wonder how does this matter.
When the Israelites were worried and
frightened because of their enemies
who enclosed them like walls. Moses
told the people, “Do not be afraid. Stand
firm and you will see the deliverance the
LORD will bring you today. The Egyptians
you see today you will never see again. The
LORD will fight for you; you need only to be
still.” Exodus 14:13-14 (NIV) Indeed the
Lord fought for them.
3. If He is leading you, have faith that His
angels are surrounding you, “Then the