HIMPower Magazine HimPower December 2017 | Page 28

to help reduce blood sugar levels, and can In addition to these amazing results help people who may be on track to get from laboratory work, a randomized, diabetes. double-blind crossover study found that For example, a pilot clinical study when volunteers consumed grape seed found that grape seed extract at least 30 to 60 extract reduced blood minutes before a meal, sugar levels after a researchers noted that Therefore, in any weight loss high-carbohydrate there was less appetite program, it is important to meal. The OPCs in because the extract grape seed can help keep blood sugar levels on an seemed to slow the stop the sugar spikes absorption of food, even keel. that affect insulin which in turn, delayed levels and possibly feelings of hunger. lead to diabetes. Additionally, blood sugar And, one of the best aspects of this study spikes trigger an excessive amount of insulin is that it accomplished all of this without release, which in turn lowers blood sugar to changes in diet or any effects on mood. a level that triggers both hunger and crav- ings. Therefore, in any weight loss program, GINGER—A SPICE TO HELP YOU STAY it is important to keep blood sugar levels on SLIM an even keel. Ginger is an excellent anti-inflamma- A scientific study in 2009 found that tory, relieves pain, and helps settle your a French grape seed with high absorption stomach when you’re faced with digestive reduced the buildup of abdominal fat— issues. But did you know it can also help commonly called “belly” fat—and reduced you stay slim? blood sugar. This was due, in part, to an Clinical research has shown that ginger increase of adiponectin, a protein respon- consumption can reduce body mass index sible for regulating blood sugar levels, (BMI) numbers, and improve blood sugar insulin metabolism, cholesterol levels, and metabolism, preventing the highs and lows inhibiting NF-kB activation and other that can lead to craving and overeating. A inflammatory markers. Compared to the follow up study found that ginger appears to control group, the adiponectin level of the work even more dramatically for individuals grape seed group increased 61 percent! with obesity and a genetic predisposition Other laboratory studies have found similar toward weight and insulin issues. results— that the use of grape seed extract Other laboratory work has found protects against fat accumulation and similar results for reducing glucose levels, improves blood triglyceride and plasma weight, amylase (a carbohydrate-digesting lipid levels. enzyme) and other tissue lipids—even 28  HimPower December 2017