HIMPower Magazine HimPower December 2017 | Page 27

excellent natural ingredients that can make your healthy journey more comfortable and successful. And that is the subject of this Terry Talks Nutrition®. FIBER IS KEY TO WEIGHT LOSS By now, I think everyone is aware that fiber is a key component of weight loss. There are a few reasons for this. First, fiber fills you up. The fact that it touches on multiple points within the digestive system essen- tially stops a sensation of hunger. That’s why you’ll see fiber-rich foods recommended for anyone who is trying to lose weight. With enough of them in your daily diet, you’re not going to have that “empty” feeling that signals you to eat more. Additionally, many fiber-rich fruits and vegetables (I recommend skipping grains) are typically full of other important nutri- ents, so they’re also great for keeping you healthy. Aside from these benefits, fiber tends to make blood sugar levels much more even, too. So you get a combined effect of feeling less hungry and having fewer highs and lows in your blood sugar levels which would otherwise trigger another bout of eating. I absolutely think you should be eating plenty of nutrient-rich fruits and vegetables whether you are trying to lose a few pounds or not. But to get weight loss going or to get off a weight loss plateau, I’d recommend a clinically studied form of concentrated plant fiber that has been shown to actually help people lose weight. In just 3 months, with no dietary restrictions (but you should still work on improving your diet) people taking the concentrated fiber lost up to 7 times the weight of those in the placebo group, who on average gained half of a pound. Again, these results are just from using this concen- trated fiber with no special requirements for diet or exercise. Individuals in the fiber group saw significantly lower BMI (Body Mass Index), body fat, visceral fat (fat accumu- lated around organs in the torso, the most dangerous type of fat deposit), and waist, hip, and upper abdominal circumference. An additional significant benefit was that people in the fiber group saw lower A1C levels, too—the average levels of blood sugar over time, and a way to gauge the severity of diabetes. Combining fiber with two other botan- ical ingredients I’d like to discuss should help you achieve even greater weight loss. FRENCH GRAPE SEED In my experience, grape seed extract is about due for a revival. High-quality extracts have shown some remarkable results in studies focused on everything from tumor growth to blood pressure. Most people with a knowledge of supplements certainly know about grape seed extract, and either use it now or have in the past, especially for cardiovascular concerns. But it may come as a surprise that grape seed extract can help you lose weight, too. For starters, grape seed has shown an ability www.himpowermagazine.com  27