For Your Inspiration
Letting Go of the Past,
Looking Towards the
by Jennifer Workman
“But one thing I do, forgetting
those things which are behind and
reaching forward to those things
which are ahead.”
— Phillipians 3:13, NKJV
ife is a series of “ups and downs,”
successes and failures, rewards and
demotions. But whatever state that we
as people may find ourselves in, we can take
solace in knowing that God is in control. God
isn’t just in control when everything is “well”
and we always get what we desire in life but,
God is also sovereign whether “good or bad”
for He promises “to never leave us nor forsake
us” (Hebrews 13:5, NKJV).
That fact is very hard for many peo10 HimPower December 2016
ple to internalize in times of extreme difficulty, especially when they have experienced
hardship for an extensive period of time. For
example, it is easy for a runner to endure
a race if it is a sprint and he/she starts and
finishes quickly. But, it is more challenging for
the runner if they have to run a great distance.
Why? Because distant running takes training
of the mind and body to be able to persevere
and win. Similarly if we as people are going to
win in life, we must adopt the same mentality