as the distant runner .
Not only should we strive to press in our race of life , but the ways in which we do this is by letting go of our past failures , mistakes and disappointments and move forward . Some people are stuck in life because they choose to keep dwelling on the past . Whether it is a broken relationship , job loss , bad financial decision or likewise , they just won ’ t let go ! They blame everyone and everything else for their problems and don ’ t effectively deal with their varying issues through prayer , confession and self-analysis . As a result , they are left miserable , defeated and unhappy .
This isn ’ t God ’ s desire for our lives . He wants us to be free , “ for who the son sets free is free indeed ( John 8:36 , NKJV ).” We can wholeheartedly make the choice to be free or to stay encapsulated by bondage . “ I choose to be free !” Freedom feels so much better than bondage ! And , ways in which we can free ourselves from the snare and entrapment of bondage and sin is when we ask for forgiveness from God , choose to forgive ourselves for the past mistakes and poor decisions that we have made and also choose to forgive others for their wrong and mistreatment towards us .
We also free ourselves when we choose to view life positively and not negatively . We absolutely free ourselves through the powerful working of the Holy Spirit that indwells within our hearts and that is able to cleanse us inside outside , spiritually transform our lives and thus give us joy , peace and happiness in Jesus . So , why don ’ t you make up your mind to “ let go and let God ?” I know that this sounds like a cliché but it is truth . I doesn ’ t matter what you have done or where you are presently because God is able to take all of your problems and mistakes and turn it around for your good !
Yes , for “ your good ” and most importantly that God would be glorified ! If there is ever any contemplation in your mind regarding this fact , I urge you to take a look at the word of God . Because in it , you will find innumerable examples of people in the Bible that once lived , made mistakes and regardless of their past was able to move forward into the destiny God orchestrated for their lives . One excellent example being David . David made the terrible mistake of committing adultery with Bathsheba and thereafter , having her husband killed to cover up his sin ( II Samuel 11:1-27 , NKJV ).” Even though David did something so foolish and incomprehensible , it didn ’ t thwart the plan of God for his life . Yes , it is to be dully noted that he didn ’ t bypass the consequences of his sin but , once he cried out to God for forgiveness , repented and confessed his sin , he was able to move forward and God blessed him ( II Samuel 12:1-25 , NKJV ).
And , that is what we must do to be able to move forward in our lives . Bring every sin , mistake and misstep to our Heavenly Father . God knows what is best for us and he also knows how to transform our lives . Again , there is nothing that we can do to change the past but , God can through his transformative power , give us a bigger , brighter and better future ( Jeremiah 29:11 , NKJV ).
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