HIM 20th Anniversary Magazine HIM 20th Anniversary Magazine | Page 44


Driven Influence

Nations will be transformed as God ’ s people are intentional about “ LOVE-DRIVEN INFLUENCE .” All influence that glorifies God arises out of love : His love demonstrated in the Cross , our love returned to Him in the form of faith , trust and obedience , and His love working through us toward others . God ’ s love empowers us to take action on behalf of God ’ s will in the earth . Love cannot remain on the sidelines . Love does not require our effort to arouse action . Rather , love drives us with a joy-filled enthusiasm and hope , mobilizing us to take initiative on behalf of those who have yet to receive that love .
Influence is the divine right and the high calling of sons and daughters of God . Here ’ s some ways you can exercise Love-Driven Influence and join the adventure of Christ ’ s mission to Planet Earth :
• Live out in daily life the Kingdom principles of righteousness , peace and joy .
• Reveal Christ through speech , writing , media , prophesy , healing , etc .
• Finance strategic , high-return , Kingdom initiatives .
• Pursue spiritual gifts , skills , and positions of influence with the goal of influencing more lives toward salvation and righteousness .
• Generate creative ideas , inventions , and technological advancements as a witness of Christ ’ s wisdom .
LEANNA CINQUANTA TellAsia Ministries
HIM International Team Member of HIM Since 2011
� tellasia . org � / TellASIA
� @ LeannaCinquanta
Arvada , Colorado
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