HIM 20th Anniversary Magazine HIM 20th Anniversary Magazine | Page 43

and calling . It is this reason alone that has become an inspiration to me ; the body of Christ is in desperate need of the ability to truly equip and release its people . I believe the greatest reason for the church not doing this is the lack of understanding and commitment to the Fivefold model of the church . It is the design of the Lord Jesus to equip His church .
The second reason is also listed in verse 12 , “ so that the body of Christ may be built up .” As the people of God are released , the direct result is the building up of God ’ s people . The implication is that if the Fivefold is not present or encouraged , the body will be weak and malnourished . It is through the Fivefold gifts that Christ has designed the body to promote the health and strength of His body . The Fivefold is like the skeleton of a person ; if the bones are aligned properly , the body functions well . It upholds the body to accomplish great tasks that only a healthy body can perform .
The third reason is found in verse 13 , “ until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God .” The Fivefold has divine power to establish unity in the body of Christ ! We have witnessed this in the coastal regions of Kenya , as our teaching on the Fivefold has brought great unity to the body there . The Fivefold creates unity because it promotes respect for other people ’ s gifts and callings . At the center is the truth that we need others to accomplish our purpose as the body of Christ .
The fourth reason is at the end of the sentence in verse 13 , “ and become mature .” This part of the verse asserts that it is through the Fivefold that a person comes to greater maturity and stature in Christ . The goal is to produce maturity and fulfillment to the body and the members of it . This alone is another incredible reason for the Fivefold ministry .
One of the greatest dilemmas we have is a lack of maturity in the body . We do not have the leaders to equip the people , and consequently , very few people are raised up . I have joked , “ Which comes first : the chicken or the egg ?” We have all heard this question , but when it comes to the body of Christ , how do we raise up mature people without more mature people to raise them up ? The church then must find a way to produce people who are mature so they can equip and release others . Thus , as it relates to the church , we must have the chicken first . This is at the core of why we need the Fivefold ministry , to create mature leaders who in turn can raise others up according to their gifts and callings . This is what the remainder of verse 13 is about , “ that the body of Christ will attain to the measure of the fullness in Christ .” Here again , we have the Greek word for measure , but as it applies to the body as a whole . It is through the Fivefold that the entire body comes to her fullness in Christ .
MARK TUBBS Harvest International Ministry
HIM Missions Apostle / US Director Member of HIM Since 2004
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