Fivefold : The Chicken or the Egg ?
An exerpt from “ The Five Fingers of God : Discovering Your Destiny through Your Fivefold Gifting ” by MARK TUBBS
In my experience as a church pastor and elder , the Holy Spirit has put a passion in me to help others grow into their purpose and destiny . I have seen people come into the church only to find that there is no room for their gifts , while others seem completely satisfied watching others “ do ” the ministry . This was especially true in the traditional church where I felt more like a commodity than a person . As long as I performed the duties well , I was accepted . If not , I was treated harshly and critically . I also witnessed this with church volunteers who started with a fire but were thwarted within months .
As our church grew in the ways of the Spirit , I began to have a clearer vision of our church ’ s vision . Each church must have a vision from the Lord for their purpose . If they don ’ t , the leaders can find themselves chasing models that other churches are using , hoping they will work in their setting . In the course of this , I understood that we were not only called to be a refuge , but a place where the people are equipped and released as well .
Perhaps before we ask , “ Why the Fivefold ?” it is important to ask , “ What is the Fivefold ministry ?” The anointed offices of the Fivefold are found throughout the Scriptures , but it is Ephesians 4:11-13 which outlines the Fivefold ministry and its purpose . Immediately following a powerful description of the oneness of the body of Christ , the Apostle Paul goes into how the Lord has arranged the church . In Ephesians 4:7 it says , “ But to each one of us Grace has been given as Christ apportioned it .” The actual
Greek word for apportioned is the word metron , which literally means , a measure . Christ has given to each one a specific measure of a gift of Grace .
After quoting Psalm 68 to show the fulfillment of prophecy , Paul lists the five Graces that Christ has given to each one in the church . These are found in verse 11 , “ It was he who gave some to be apostles , some to be prophets , some to be evangelists , and some to be pastors and teachers .”
If we read this in context , it is Jesus who has given to each one a measure of one of these five Graces . This is not a list of the gifts of the Spirit as seen in I Corinthians 12 , but instead is a list of the five Graces that we see in the life and ministry of Christ . Each and every person has a specific measure of at least one of these . This implies that people will be at different levels and expressions of these five Graces . These Graces are generally called the “ Fivefold Ministry Gifts .” These five are written explicitly in verse 11 as apostles , prophets , evangelists , pastors , and teachers .
With the above clearly stated , we can now ask , “ Why emphasize the Fivefold Ministry Gifts ?” In verse 12-16 , we find an incredible list of reasons why the Fivefold gifts have been given . The first and primary reason is to prepare God ’ s people for works of service . This has to do with the equipping and empowering of the people of God . As a person grows in maturity in one or more of the Fivefold ministry gifts , the main objective of that person will be to equip and encourage others into their own Graces
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