Release & Empower
An interview with DICK WESTERHOF ---
How is the restoration of the 5-fold ministry essential for making an impact in the 7 mountains of society and culture ?
What does it mean for you to be a part of an apostolic movement ?
How do you foresee apostolic movements as vital to bringing reformation and revival to the nations ?
Since the message of the Kingdom of God shifted our focus from the church alone to the church as well as our environment , we also need another type of leadership . Shepherds and teachers are not the only ones to lead the church into the new age of reformation . Simply because their gifting does not cater for the needs of the church , as a whole , which has shifted paradigms . The apostles together with the prophets are called to lead . They are the ones that have an outward orientation that will help to direct the saints . The shepherds will help the saints in their process towards their destiny . The teachers will support the ministries with sound doctrines . The evangelists will bring life . All five are needed to equip the saints so that the saints can do what they are called to do .
Being part of an apostolic movement means that there is room and support for the apostles to recognize these revelations and to take new initiatives for implementation . A healthy apostolic movement does not control growth or require copies of the mother church . The result is that that we can work together with like-minded ministers and ministries , which is beneficial both ways .
We have seen revivals in the past that did not bring reformation . Mainly because the leadership did not have a Kingdom mindset . We cannot disconnect a Kingdom mindset from apostolic leadership , since the apostles are the first ones called to bring reformation in society so that the nation will be a “ sheep nation .” We need revival and the manifestation of the power of God . It is essential that the apostles take responsibility in the follow-up . They will help the saints to focus not only on being saved but also on being salt and light in this world . The results will have a lasting effect on the society of the nation .
DICK WESTERHOF God ’ s Embassy Church Amsterdam
Member of HIM Since 2014
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� @ Embassy _ Adam
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Amsterdam , The Netherlands
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