HIM 20th Anniversary Magazine HIM 20th Anniversary Magazine | Page 29

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An interview with ROMAN DOMBRAUSKAS ---
What inspires you about how God is moving in the nations today ?
What recent
breakthrough have you experienced ?
The Lord reigns and His glory is forever ! I ’ m inspired by how He chooses and moves in a nation to reveal specific qualities and characteristics of His nature there . I live in Russia and I have been tracking the experiences of the persecuted church of Russia . God ’ s glory has showed itself specifically in the time when the church was being persecuted . I met bishops and other ministers , as well as sisters , who had been in prison for standing in the name of Jesus Christ . Some of them were in prison for 18 , 25 or more years and stayed faithful .
The labor which we have committed to in Russia consists in us boldly stepping forward and insisting on establishing the Kingdom of God in this territory , widening its boundaries on earth . We also have teams of missionaries in the countries of Europe and Asia . We have seen an invasion of the Kingdom through us , and the fruit for God is being released in these nations . People are being saved , coming to the Lord and new churches are being born .
We can ’ t say that the work has gone easily , but I can say with assurance that it has been productive . We work with the drug and alcohol addicted , the marginalized , the HIV positive , the homeless , and we see how they come to Jesus and become good ministers of the glory of Jesus Christ !
We can always say that we ’ d like to see more breakthroughs , but we can also say that as a ministry , we have encountered an amazing move of God . As we insist on pressing into the Spirit of God as we minister the gifts of the Spirit , the gift of revelation has increased ; as a result the presence of God has been manifesting in a greater way and surely this brings influence and favor in the natural . We ’ re breaking through in answers to prayer and making headway into other nations .
I want to thank HIM as well as WLI for the opportunity to be involved in this large work we are doing together and the chance to see transformation manifest on a global scale . I personally also want to thank Pastor Ché , who visited our ministry several times : for his friendship , fellowship , and involvement in reaping the global harvest together .
ROMAN DOMBRAUSKAS House of Life Church Member of HIM Since 2011
Vladivostok , Russia
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