5.30am to 9am WEEKDAYS
4pm to 6pm WEEKDAYS
ACROSS 9 Surpassing the norm ( 7 ) 10 Effeminate ( 7 ) 11 Pet rodent ( 7 ) 12 Masts , spars and sails ( 7 ) 13 Midweek day ( 9 ) 15 Bloodsucking worm ( 5 ) 16 Refrain from doing something ( 7 ) 19 Lying in wait ( 7 ) 20 Confuse ( 5 ) 21 An abnormal condition of the lungs ( 9 ) 25 A supernatural spirit ( 7 ) 26 Gives information ( 7 ) 28 Hole in the nose ( 7 ) 29 Pricklings ( 7 )
DOWN 1 Shun ( 6 ) 2 Viewed as ( 6 ) 3 Enumerate ( 4 ) 4 Made a loud noise ( 6 ) 5 Treachery ( 8 ) 6 In an exceptional manner ( 10 ) 7 A disease caused by a lack of B1 ( 8 ) 8 Porcupine ( 8 ) 14 Primary ( 10 ) 16 Shard ( 8 ) 17 Incivility ( 8 ) 18 Remorsefully ( 8 ) 22 Reproduces with a press ( 6 ) 23 Spookily ( 6 ) 24 Evaluate ( 6 ) 27 Look after ( 4 )
To solve a Sudoku puzzle , every number from 1 to 9 must appear in : Each of the nine vertical columns Each of the nine horizontal rows Each of the nine 3 x 3 boxes Remember , no number can occur more than once in any row , column or box . Good luck !
difference is the music
busco for breakfast
5.30am to 9am WEEKDAYS
3.5 hours of Fun , Frolic & Adventure with particular focus on Sydney ’ s Golden West !!
News ( with a Western Sydney focus ), Music , Traffic and Weather – with plenty of fun to get your morning started !! drive with linden
4pm to 6pm WEEKDAYS
Drive with Linden brings you your local entertainment for the drive home .
Get updates on what ’ s happening in your area and the latest traffic information every 15 minutes .
Streaming on swr999 . com . au
You Tube
26 ISSUE 100 // OCTOBER 2023 theindependentmagazine . com . au THE HILLS INDEPENDENT