Fire pump maintenance : it ’ s time !
The fire pump is critical to any fire protection plan . It must start first time and work well during a bushfire emergency . Maintenance and familiarisation will reduce stress on the day of high bushfire danger .
Run the engine for a few minutes on a regular basis during the fire season . Fuel can become stale in just a few months and must be replaced . Using a fuel additive can extend the fuel life . Make sure the fuel tank is full and that you have sufficient additional fuel on site for refills during an emergency .
Check the oil level in the engine , and check the air filter is clean . Get the engine serviced once a year .
Aussie Pumps fire pumps are self priming , so once set up they will hold their prime unless drained . If the bowl is empty then refill it .
Never run the pump without water running through it as this will damage the mechanical seal . The pump will not prime if there is an air leak in the suction hose or the strainer is blocked . Run the pump at full revs for the best performance .
Check for leaks around the pump and hose joins once the pump is running . If water is leaking from the back of the pump , the mechanical seal needs to be replaced .
Your delivery hoses need to be in good condition and long enough to reach around your property . The suction hose must reach the water source even if the level drops . Run sprinklers to ensure they are not blocked .
Regular practice is the best way to ensure that everyone in the household , and even neighbours , are familiar with starting and using the pump and the hoses .
Have questions about your system ? Trust Aussie ’ s distributor
Run the engine for a few minutes on a regular basis during the fire season .
The suction hose must reach the water source even if the level drops .
network to provide advice or to book a service . Locate your nearest dealer at aussiepumps . com . au / locate-adealer /.
Loads of information on preparing for a fire emergency can be found in the Aussie Bushfire Survival Guide . Pick up your FREE copy at your Aussie Pumps dealer , or online at aussiepumps . com . au .
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THE HILLS INDEPENDENT theindependentmagazine . com . au ISSUE 100 // OCTOBER 2023 27