MAKE A DIFFERENCE : Hills Wellness Expo
by Lorna Gordon
On March 2 , 2025 , the Hills Wellness Expo will return to Castle Hill RSL , bringing together over 40 health practitioners and 20 engaging talks and demonstrations .
This free event aims to connect the local community with a variety of health and wellness services while raising funds for the Melanoma Institute Australia and the family of the event ’ s late founder , Rachel Aldridge .
Rachel , a beloved local naturopath , started the Hills Wellness Expo in 2020 . Sadly , she passed away after a short but brave battle with melanoma , but her friends and colleagues — massage therapist and personal trainer Eva-Lotta Baad , kinesiologist Alice Bullivant , and Hills Myotherapy ’ s Judy Howard — have taken on the challenge of continuing her legacy . They are dedicated to making the expo a powerful tribute to Rachel ’ s passion for holistic health and her dedication to the Hills community .
The expo will kick off with a family yoga session , setting a positive and inclusive tone for the day . Visitors can explore a broad spectrum of health services , from yoga and Pilates to massage therapy and psychology .
“ We wanted to provide as broad a perspective on health as possible . Preventative health is key ; we can ’ t stop ourselves from getting sick , but staying fit and taking care of ourselves gives us a better chance at a high quality life ,” Eva told me .
The event is carefully curated to ensure a diverse and high-quality experience .
“ We made it very clear we weren ’ t going to accept everyone ,” Eva explains .
“ We ’ ve had a huge amount of interest , but we also wanted to include unique offerings like kids ’ yoga and men ’ s health talks . Our keynote speaker , Shaun , will focus on men ’ s health to ensure a balanced representation .”
Attendees will have the opportunity to participate in various activities across two dedicated spaces — one for talks and presentations and another for demonstrations such as yoga , meditation , and sound baths . This setup ensures that visitors can fully immerse themselves in the experience and discover the services available to them right in the Hills district .
“ People often don ’ t realise they don ’ t have to travel far to find the support they need ,” says Eva . “ We have plenty of fantastic practitioners right here in our community .”
In addition to exploring health and wellness services , visitors can contribute to a meaningful cause . While entry to the event is free , donations are encouraged , with all proceeds going to the Melanoma Institute Australia and Rachel ’ s family . QR codes will be available throughout the venue for easy donations , and there will also be raffles and lucky door prizes to further support the fundraising efforts .
Judy , Alice and Eva ( L-R ) are continuing their friend ’ s legacy and bringing the Hills Wellness Expo to Castle Hill RSL in March .
The organisers are grateful for the support they have received from Castle Hill RSL and volunteers who are helping make this event possible . Special thanks go to Christie from New Line Creative Solutions , who generously designed the event website free of charge .
Whether you ’ re looking to explore new health modalities , gain valuable knowledge from expert speakers , or simply support a meaningful cause , the Hills Wellness Expo promises to be an inspiring and enriching day . Be sure to check the event website www . hillswellnessexpo . com . au for schedules and updates and join the community in celebrating Rachel ’ s legacy and promoting holistic well-being .
THE HILLS INDEPENDENT theindependentmagazine . com . au HAPPY LUNAR NEW YEAR ! ISSUE 116 // FEBRUARY 2025 11