Littered cigarette butts cause
roadside fires – don ’ t be a tosser !
The Western Sydney Regional Organisation of Councils ( WSROC ) has joined forces with seven Western Sydney councils to urge smokers — particularly motorists — to “ bin their butts ” this summer as the bushfire season approaches .
WSROC President ,
Tossed out butts cause fires and other environmental damage . Mayor Brad Bunting , said roadside fires caused by discarded cigarette butts remain a serious concern .
“ Every year , fire brigades respond to hundreds of roadside fires caused by cigarette butts littered from vehicles . Fires sparked by littered cigarettes can spread quickly , endangering homes , lives , and wildlife ,” Mayor Bunting said .
A University of Technology Sydney ( UTS ) study , in collaboration with Fire and Rescue NSW and CSIRO , found that in dry , hot , and windy conditions , one in three discarded cigarette butts can ignite grassy fuel .
“ Since 2020 , Fire and Rescue NSW has attended around 200 roadside fires caused by cigarettes annually . Alarmingly , this spiked to 300 fires last year ,” Mayor Bunting said . The penalties are steep : - Littering cigarette butts is an offence under the Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997 and the Rural Fires Act 1997 .
- If a lit cigarette is discarded during a
Total Fire Ban , offenders face fines up to $ 11,000 .
“ If you smoke in your vehicle , use a cupholder ashtray and bin your butts responsibly when you arrive at your destination . These ashtrays are affordable and available at most bargain stores ,” Mayor Bunting advised .
The councils of Hawkesbury , Blacktown , Cumberland , Liverpool , Fairfield , The Hills Shire , and Parramatta are urging residents to take responsibility .
Cigarette butts harm more than just roadsides :
- Made of plastic , cigarette butts don ’ t biodegrade and persist in the environment for years .
- Littered butts often wash into stormwater drains , releasing toxic chemicals into local creeks and rivers , where they harm aquatic life .
- Roadside fires cause traffic congestion and delays while firefighters battle to control them .
Mayor Bunting also encouraged residents to take action :
“ If you see someone litter a cigarette butt or any other item from a vehicle , report it to the NSW EPA via the ‘ Report to EPA ’ website . Fines will be issued .”
Visit epa . nsw . gov . au and search for ‘ Report to EPA ’ to make a report .
Don ’ t let carelessness spark disaster — bin your butts !
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