Hike and Bike System Master Plan Hike and Bike System Master Plan | Page 97


Create a Sidewalk / Bicycle Lane / Greenway Request Form Many communities across the country have created an on-line hike / bike request form that citizens can use to ask for sidewalks and bicycle lanes to be built on streets that they use regularly . Citizens may also request maintenance through this form . The development of a universal request form should be considered , to ensure that prospective projects are judged “ apples to apples ” and that key funding eligibility questions are asked and answered .
Utilizing local citizens to help find gaps in the current hike and bike network is highly important because they are familiar with their specific neighborhoods and needs . After these forms are completed the requested facility can be evaluated by HBAC and City personnel , and if deemed important for connectivity purposes it should be added to the City ’ s list of priority projects .
Update the Hike and Bike System Master Plan on Regular Basis As Plan recommendations are implemented , roadways are added , and land uses change , priorities for hike and bike improvements may change and new needs and opportunities may arise . This Hike and Bike System Master Plan should be updated every five years .
6.2 Staffing Recommendations
Currently , the Transportation Planning Manager inside the Community Development and Planning Department handles most on-road hike and bike planning responsibilities . The City Parks and Recreation Department largely handles off-road hike and bike planning . As this Plan is adopted and implemented , it is recommended that certain responsibilities for implementation be identified for the Community Development and Planning Department , including working with TxDOT , other City departments , and stakeholders on priority projects , and working with adjacent municipalities and counties to ensure regional collaboration and connectivity . Other responsibilities could also be housed the Parks and Recreation Department , such as implementation for trailrelated recommendations , serving as “ staff ” to the HBAC , and implementation of education / encouragement programs .
6.3 Network Development
This section describes types of transportation construction and maintenance projects that can be used to implement the hike and bike recommendations . Note that roadway reconstruction projects offer excellent opportunities to incorporate transportation improvements for bicyclists and pedestrians . It is much more costeffective to provide a bicycle facility when these road projects are implemented than to initiate the improvement as a “ retrofit .”
In order to take advantage of upcoming opportunities to incorporate hike and bike projects into routine transportation
Chapter 6 : Implementation | 6-7