Hike and Bike System Master Plan Hike and Bike System Master Plan | Page 96


lanes , miles of sidewalks , percentage of intersections that meet ADA guidelines , etc . Also report on the quality of these implemented recommendations .
5 . Education and Enforcement – Work with local law enforcement to measure the number of people that participate in education programs and the number that are ticketed for violations of motor vehicle , bicycle , and pedestrian laws .
6 . Policy – Regularly review and update hike / bike-related policies .
7 . Institutionalization – Measure the total budget spent by local governments on hike and bike projects and programs .
Annual Work Plan In addition to monitoring progress , the HBAC ( or appropriate City staff ) should also develop an annual work plan with specific , measurable tasks such as the addition of ( x ) miles of bike lanes , ( x ) number of bike racks , or ( x ) number of new programs . An annual work plan should be updated throughout the year and re-established each year . This work plan can include specific recommendations from this Master Plan .
Prepare Additional Documents and Studies This Plan should be viewed as a springboard for additional hike and bike planning , research , and documentation . Additional efforts that should be completed include :
1 . Publish the bicycle / walking map described in Chapter 5 .
2 . Work with TxDOT and the City Public Works and Transportation Department to investigate bicycle detection at intersections and traffic signal timing . Upon completion of evaluation , specific improvement recommendations should be made .
3 . Conduct an internal bicycle parking study . This should identify and inventory existing parking facilities and make specific recommendations for the location of additional bicycle parking facilities . A phased priority listing should be developed for implementation . See the Action Steps Table at the end of this chapter for more details .
Maintain Hike and Bike System The City of Arlington should make an investment in the maintenance of both on-road and off-road facilities to ensure the quality and safety of its hike and bike infrastructure investments . Potholes , surface hazards , sight obstructions , drainage grate issues , bike lane debris , sidewalk / trail deterioration , etc . should be addressed on a regular basis . Maintenance is described in detail in Chapter 7 : Design Guidelines .
6-6 | Chapter 6 : Implementation