Hike and Bike System Master Plan Hike and Bike System Master Plan | Page 95


meetings will help establish a process of incorporating hike and bike improvements into upcoming roadway projects . Coordination between all appropriate government agencies will establish a system of checks and balances , provide a level of accountability , and ensure that recommendations in this Plan are implemented . The meetings could also feature special training sessions on hike / bike issues .
Maintain GIS Hike / Bike Data In crafting this Plan , a comprehensive database has been developed that documents the location and type of existing and recommended sidewalks and bike facilities . It is important for the City to update the information on a continual basis . The outputs ( maps , etc .) of this database should be made accessible to local governments , residents , and visitors through a website and / or hardcopy formats .
This Plan involved compiling information from the field into GIS data . Maintaining that data will be important as facilities are developed .
Benchmark Progress An annual performance report should be published to benchmark progress made in improving the hike and bike environment in Arlington . It is critical to document all successes , both big and small . This document would be a showcase of success stories and would serve as a barometer for work that still needs to be accomplished . Such a performance report would also be an excellent tool as the City of Arlington works toward improving its Bicycle Friendly Community status .
As part of this report , performance measures should address the following aspects of hike and bike system development . When establishing performance measures , the City should consider utilizing data that can be collected cost effectively and reported at regular intervals , such as in a performance measures report that is published annually or biannually . The following are example performance measures :
1 . Safety – Measure and map the number of hike and bike accidents on an annual basis . Analyze trends .
2 . Usage – Target specific projects and areas and take measurements to determine use by cyclists and pedestrians . Take counts to determine the total number of riders , gender of riders , helmet usage , and the number of cyclists riding the wrong way on a street . These counts should occur annually to help determine the success of new projects , programs , and policies .
3 . Overall Mode Share – With updated 2010 census , calculate the new bicyclist and pedestrian mode shares .
4 . System Development – Measure how many projects are constructed , in accordance with the recommendations of this Plan . Maintain cumulative statistics such as miles of bike
Chapter 6 : Implementation | 6-5