Hike and Bike System Master Plan Hike and Bike System Master Plan | Page 94


and traffic engineering constraints . The City of Arlington should remain open to alternative solutions in these cases and utilize the entire toolbox of hike / bike treatment solutions found in Chapter 8- Design Guidelines . For example , if sidewalks are not immediately feasible due to funding constraints or ROW issues , traffic calming techniques within the roadway ROW may be acceptable ways to improve the safety of pedestrians and bicyclists .
Seek Bicycle-Friendly Community ( BFC ) Status A primary goal for the City of Arlington during this planning process is to gain Bicycle Friendly Community status . Having an adopted Hike and Bike System Master Plan in place , and an initiation of action steps ( found in this chapter ) will make Arlington a strong candidate . The City should examine the BFC audit for engineering , education , encouragement , enforcement , and evaluation and seek to address the majority of audit items .
Begin Key Programs In addition to network recommendations and policies , programs , as described in Chapter 5 , are critical for education , encouragement , and safety . Top programs to pursue immediately are :
• Safe Routes to School
• Hike / Bike Map and Website
• Awareness Days and Events
• Encouragement programs such as employer incentives , commute challenges , school programs , and bike lending / rental programs
• Enforcement for education programs
• Internal training for multiple departments within City of Arlington
Ongoing Public Outreach The planning process to develop this Hike and Bike System Master Plan featured a tremendous outpouring of good attendance , interest , and support . It will continue to be important to maintain that outreach and support as important projects move forward . Interested citizens should be made aware when projects or programs have been successfully implemented .
Programs such as Safe Routes to School ( top ) and bicycle education ( bottom ) are an important part of improving safety for walking and bicycling .
Begin Quarterly Meeting with Project Partners It is critical to establish a procedure for the development of the hike and bike system as part of future roadway reconstruction and resurfacing projects . Roads throughout Arlington vary in ownership between the state and the City . Quarterly meetings with representatives from TxDOT , City of Arlington Public Works and Transportation , City of Arlington Community Development and Planning , City of Arlington Parks and Recreation , and the HBAC should occur in order for proper communication to occur . These
6-4 | Chapter 6 : Implementation