Hike and Bike System Master Plan Hike and Bike System Master Plan | Page 93


The City should continually monitor state and federal legislation to identify pending actions which could impact Plan implementation . This includes tracking new and existing funding streams as federal agencies begin to shift their focus to creating livable , healthier , and sustainable communities . City staff and the HBAC should work with elected leaders to position the City of Arlington to receive funding under the federal reauthorization and other new programs from such agencies as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention .
Funding options are described in Appendix D . Other methods of hike and bike facility development that are efficient and costeffective are described later in this chapter .
Begin Priority Projects The Arlington Hike and Bike Network will be developed incrementally over time . As mentioned in Section 3.5 , the City should identify top-priority projects based on criteria such as sidewalk gap closure , proximity to schools , greenways , and trip attractors , and ability to improve safety and connectivity . Priority projects may also be those that are “ shovel-ready ” such as on-road bike lanes where only stripes , restripes , or travel lane conversions are required for development . The City should also consider bondfunded projects as priority projects since they may be constructed as part of upcoming projects .
Development of these priority projects should result in a swift return on investment , noticeable improvements in the hike and bike network , and ultimately generate positive buzz and excitement for the implementation of additional Plan components . Priority projects should be supported by local funding and become part of the local Capital Improvement Program ( CIP ). The priority projects list should be regularly evaluated by the HBAC and City of Arlington to assess success and progress . Additionally , it should be a dynamic list and as projects are completed and come off the list , new priority projects should be identified .
Improve and Enforce Hike / Bike Policies As discussed in Appendix C , the City of Arlington does not adequately address the needs of bicyclists and pedestrians in its current ordinances and planning documents . To ensure that future development provides sidewalks and bike facilities and improves hike / bike friendliness , regulations should be updated and enforced . It should be the goal of the City of Arlington Community Development and Planning Department to update ordinances and adopt the bicycle ordinance in this Plan as soon as possible .
Be Open To Creative Solutions In many cases , the most ideal hike and bike improvement scenario will not be achievable because of ROW issues , homeowner issues ,
Chapter 6 : Implementation | 6-3