Hike and Bike System Master Plan Hike and Bike System Master Plan | Page 92


Create an Implementation Strategy The City of Arlington should develop an internal strategy to implement the Hike and Bike System Master Plan . As a part of this strategy , the City should identify specific individuals and program areas that will be responsible for implementing the various aspects of the Plan from day-to-day efforts to long range goals . The City of Arlington should also consider establishing a Hike and Bike Advisory Committee ( HBAC ) to assist in implementation . Such a committee should focus on education , advocacy , partnerships , events and community service . It should provide a communications link between the citizens and the City , as well as an avenue for reviewing / revising project priorities .
Adopt a Complete Streets Policy Adopting a “ Complete Streets ” policy sends a clear signal across City departments and the State of Texas that Arlington is dedicated to providing legitimate transportation options for all users . While the City of Arlington Comprehensive Plan , Code of Ordinances , and Zoning Ordinance / Subdivision Rules and Regulations address nonmotorized transportation in a number of important ways , Complete Streets is a new framework for integrating the Hike and Bike System Master Plan into a more systematic approach to implementation . A full description of the recommended Complete Streets Policy is described at the end of Appendix C .
Bike Friendly Arlington was formed during this planning process and some of its members could help form the HBAC .
Provide Hike and Bike Facilities as Part of all Transportation Projects To the maximum extent possible , as discussed in the Complete Streets policy statement , the City of Arlington should accommodate bicyclists and pedestrians as part of all new roadway projects , bridge projects , and roadway reconstruction / resurfacing projects . This includes roadways in the Hike and Bike Network as well as other roadways . In addition , trails should be developed in conjunction with sewer , electrical , water , and other efforts that use or create linear corridors .
Seek Multiple Funding Sources and Facility Development Options Multiple approaches should be taken to support hike and bike system development and programming . It is important to secure the funding necessary to undertake the short-term , priority projects , but also to develop a long-term funding strategy to allow continued development of the overall system .
Capital and local funds for sidewalk , bicycle lane , crosswalk , and greenway construction should be set aside every year . Even small amounts of local funding can be used to match outside funding sources . A variety of local , state , and federal options and sources exist and should be pursued .
6-2 | Chapter 6 : Implementation