Hike and Bike System Master Plan Hike and Bike System Master Plan | Page 91



Chapter Contents 6.0 Overview 6.1 Key Action Steps
6.2 Staffing Recommendations
6.3 Network Development 6.4 Action Steps Table
6.0 Overview
The detailed action steps found in this chapter describe how recommendations from previous chapters should be implemented . It describes how the City of Arlington can turn the vision of a connected network of safe hike and bike routes into a reality . The strategy for doing so involves some physical changes to the roadway environment and other landscapes , as well as new local government policies and programs . Successful implementation will require the dedication of the City of Arlington , the creation of a citywide Hike and Bike Advisory Committee ( HBAC ), and the support of local advocates such as Bike Friendly Arlington . It will be a collaborative effort between a variety of City departments and agencies including TxDOT .
This chapter is organized as a simple guide with key action steps , staffing recommendations , an evaluation and monitoring process , and methods of hike and bike network development . Perhaps most importantly is the detailed action steps table at the conclusion of this chapter that lists tasks , lead agencies , support groups , task detail , and timeframe .
6.1 Key Action Steps
Adopt This Plan Before any other action takes place , the City of Arlington should adopt , publicize , and champion this Plan . This should be considered the first step in implementation . Through adoption of this document as the City ’ s official Hike and Bike Plan , the City of Arlington will be better able to shape transportation decisions so that they fit with the goals of this Plan . Adoption gives the Plan credibility and authority and it is key to securing implementation funding from TxDOT and other state and federal agencies .
Chapter 6 : Implementation | 6-1