Hike and Bike System Master Plan Hike and Bike System Master Plan | Page 98


projects , the City should continue to track repaving schedules , and other lists of projects . Additionally , the TxDOT ’ s local office should be encouraged to use this Plan as a ready reference when maintenance projects are being programmed . As recommended in this chapter , a quarterly meeting with project partners will ensure this critical communication . As the long-range transportation plan is updated in future years , hike and bike improvements should be included in appropriately programmed projects .
Bicycle Projects
Restriping The simplest type of restriping project is the addition of bicycle lanes , edgelines , or shoulder stripes to streets without making any other changes to the roadway . Bicycle lanes , edgelines , and shoulder stripes can also be added by narrowing the existing travel lanes or removing one or more travel lanes . For a discussion of lane-narrowing and travel lane conversions , see Chapter 3 .
On-Street Residential Parking Some city streets are wide enough to stripe with bike lanes , but they are also used by residents for on-street parking . Existing parking on residential streets will not be prohibited due to the addition of bicycle lanes . When adding a bike lane to a residential street , the city will convene a neighborhood meeting to alert residents about the upcoming improvement and to obtain input . During this input process , the City will look to existing methods of evaluating public support .
If it is not practical to add a bike lane due to existing on-street parking , edgelines and bike route lane markings may be considered . On roads where the outside lane and parking area combined are more than 17 feet wide , 10-foot-wide travel lanes can be striped with an edgeline , leaving the rest of the space on either side for parking . The stripe would help slow motor vehicles and provide extra comfort for bicyclists , especially during the daytime when fewer cars would be parked along the curb . On roads with outside lane and parking areas that are narrower than 17 feet wide , lane markings can be provided every 100 to 200 meters on the right side of the motor vehicle travel lane to increase the visibility of the bike route . If existing on-street parking is underutilized , it may also be possible to consolidate on-street parking to one-side of the roadway , providing additional space for bicycle lanes .
6-8 | Chapter 6 : Implementation