Hike and Bike System Master Plan Hike and Bike System Master Plan | Page 88


these programs have increased the visibility of bicycling in communities . With a bike-sharing program , bicycles are made available for shared use by individuals who do not own bicycles . These programs are typically found in urban environments . Community bike-sharing programs are organized mostly by local community groups and non-profit organizations . Smart bikesharing programs are implemented by municipalities or through public-private partnerships . Bike-repair programs take different forms , but typically are run by local community groups . These groups are supplied with used bicycles that are repaired for use by lower-income residents . Those who receive a bike learn how to maintain the bike and often assist in repairs .
Targeted Enforcement Enforcement is critical to ensure that motorists , bicyclists , and pedestrians are obeying common laws . It serves as a means to educate and protect all users . The goal of enforcement is for bicyclists , pedestrians , and motorists to recognize and respect each other ’ s rights on the roadway .
In many cases , officers and citizens do not fully understand state and local laws for motorists , bicyclists , and pedestrians . The first step in effective enforcement is the education of law officers , both vehicular and bicycle officers . This type of training can lead to additional education and enforcement programs that promote safety . Law enforcement should also be provided with a legible , handheld rules and regulations card for public distribution .
Key issues to enforce for motorists are speeding , yielding to pedestrians in a crosswalk , and sharing the road with bicyclists . Key issues to enforce for pedestrians are crossing roads at the marked crosswalk , and obeying countdown signals . Key issues to enforce for bicyclists are following the same rules of the road as a motorist ( obeying traffic lights and stop signs ), riding on the correct side of the road , using lights when cycling at night , and sharing sidewalks and trails safely with pedestrians .
The City of Arlington should also consider deploying bicycle officers , especially in the Downtown and UT-Arlington area . Increased use of police on bikes is a significant benefit for community policing and quality of life . UT-Arlington should also be encouraged to use bicycle officers and the two efforts should be coordinated . Bicycle
5-6 | Chapter 5 : Hike & Bike Programs