Hike and Bike System Master Plan Hike and Bike System Master Plan | Page 89


Right : The Speed Campaign
Toolkit from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration ( NHTSA ) includes messaging and templates you may choose from to support your speed management initiatives : www . nhtsa . gov / speed / toolkit / index . cfm officers should set an example for other cyclists by wearing helmets and obeying laws . Internal Training ‘ Internal ’ education refers to the training of all staff who are involved in the implementation of the Hike and Bike System Master Plan . Internal training is essential to institutionalizing hike and bike issues into the everyday operations of Public Works and Transportation , Community Development and Planning , and Parks and Recreation departments . In addition to relevant City staff , TxDOT staff , should also be included in training sessions whenever possible . This training should cover all aspects of the transportation and development process , including planning , design , development review , construction , and maintenance . This type of ‘ inreach ’ can be in the form of brown bag lunches , professional certification programs , and special sessions or conferences . Even simple meetings to go over the Plan and communicate its strategies and objectives can prove useful for staff and elected officials that may not have otherwise learned about the Plan . Bicycle and pedestrian planning and design issues are complex , and stateof-the-art research and guidelines continue to evolve . Therefore ,
Chapter 5 : Hike & Bike Programs | 5-7