Hike and Bike System Master Plan Hike and Bike System Master Plan | Page 87

Left : Images from bicycle education events .
work , employers can provide programs and incentives . When these alternative forms of transportation are encouraged , employers benefit from improved employee health and morale . They are also often positively perceived as protecting the environment and caring for their local community . Promotions could include organizing a Bike to Work Day or a morning Pit- Stop where employees can receive free refreshments . Employers can provide educational workshops , bicycle parking options , and employee incentives . Incentives may include prize drawings , t-shirts , and free tune-ups at a local bicycle shop .
• Community Programs - The Smart Commute Challenge is a great example in the Raleigh-Durham area of North Carolina . Actively supported and encouraged in the Triangle area by Triangle Transit and CAMPO , it is an excellent means of having residents pledge to commute to work by bicycle . Prizes are available and educational information on commuting to work is provided at www . smartcommutechallenge . org /.
• School Programs - Many programs exist to aid communities in developing safer pedestrian and bicycle facilities around schools . Information is available to encourage group travel , prevent bicycle-related injuries , and sponsor commuter-related events . After-school programs , walking school buses , summer Bike Camps , bicycle rodeos , and Family Fun Rides can be created to provide a supportive environment for children to learn how to ride a bike comfortably and safely , learn how to repair and maintain a bicycle , and tour their city and its destinations .
• Bike-sharing and Bike-repair Programs - Bicycle sharing and bike-repair programs encourage use by providing convenient access and empowerment to make more trips by bicycle . Many programs have also served to teach bike safety , maintenance , and on-road skills and have encouraged more people to bicycle for exercise , transportation , and leisure . In addition ,
Chapter 5 : Hike & Bike Programs | 5-5