Hike and Bike System Master Plan Hike and Bike System Master Plan | Page 86


legible , informational mapping , wayfinding , and education .
A foldable hardcopy and online map should be developed and distributed throughout the City , through City staff , schools , advocacy groups , and other community organizations . Maps should be made available at parks and recreation centers , libraries , municipal buildings , transit facilities , bike shops , and tourism information centers . The map should be updated annually to reflect the bicycle and trail improvements that will be implemented through this Plan . This map and website are also an opportunity for the City of Arlington to provide information on basic safety , commuting , trail etiquette , and local resources .
Awareness Days and Events A specific day of the year can be devoted to bicycle and pedestrian awareness and celebrate issues relating to that theme . A greenway and its amenities can serve as a venue for events that will put the greenway on display for the community . Major holidays , such as July 4th , and popular local events serve as excellent opportunities to distribute bicycling information .
• Bike-to-Work Day - This is an annual event held on the third Friday of May across the United States that promotes the bicycle as an option for commuting to work . Leading up to Bike-to-Work Day , national , regional , and local bicycle advocacy groups encourage people to try bicycle commuting as a healthy and safe alternative to driving by providing route information and tips for new bicycle commuters . On Bike-to-Work Day , these groups often organize bicycle-related events , and in some areas , pit stops along bicycle routes with snacks . Other ideas for Biketo-Work month , week , and day include a bicyclists breakfast , commuter contests , and worksite events . This type of event can have a significant impact on bicycling in a community .
• Walk-to-Work Day - Although not as popular as Bike-to-Work-Day , this event is typically held during the first Friday of April and is an excellent promotion for walking in a community .
Encouragement Programs Encouragement programs are critical for promoting and increasing the use of hikeways and bikeways . These programs should address all ages and user groups from school children , to working adults , to the elderly and also address recreation and transportation users . A thorough listing of programs and resources can be found in Appendix B . Top priority encouragement programs are described below and were chosen based on the success and impact of these programs in other communities .
• Employer Programs - To encourage bicycling and walking to
5-4 | Chapter 5 : Hike & Bike Programs