Hike and Bike System Master Plan Hike and Bike System Master Plan | Page 85


ensure that facilities and programs are provided for all Arlington citizens . The HBAC may be structured in one of two ways . A more formal approach would involve an officially appointed City Council commission that meets regularly and reports to the City Council . A less formal option is a citizen-based , grassroots organization that is not formally appointed by the City Council . There are benefits to both approaches and in many communities , one of each type of committee has been formed . A formal HBAC has a formalized voice in City issues and with the City Council . A citizen-based committee may have more flexibility to reach non-profit status , conduct programs at the local level , and be composed of many members of the community . If both committees are formed , there is tremendous opportunity to collaborate together . For example , an appointed commission could hold meetings in which citizens are invited to voice their concerns and ideas .
The HBAC should seek a broad range of geographic and demographic member representation in order to achieve equity and to address the needs of all Arlington residents . The group could meet monthly or quarterly to encourage and evaluate the progress of overall Plan implementation . This group should work closely with appropriate City staff and local stakeholders . The HBAC should consider playing a major role in the program recommendations described in this chapter and in Appendix B .
Safe Routes to School Safe Routes to School ( SRTS ) is a national program that has grown in part because of consistent federal funding , significant interest at the local community level , and a nationwide campaign to reduce childhood obesity . Local Safe Routes to School programs are sustained by parents , community leaders , and citizens to improve the health and well-being of children by enabling and encouraging them to walk and bicycle to school . Communities around the country have received funding to conduct school-related programs , safety / walkability initiatives , SRTS workshops , action plans , or to build hike and bike infrastructure . SRTS is particularly important as a means to reach future generations , to make walking and biking a common , safe practice and create a less automobiledependent society over time . Immediate and long-term impacts are possible through the SRTS program . The City of Arlington should seek programming and facility funding from the SRTS program , administered by TxDOT .
Hike / Bike Map and Website One of the most common requests of citizens interested in biking and walking is an informational hike / bike map and website . Currently , there is no official bicycle map for the City of Arlington . Many residents are not aware of existing facilities and trails . Userfriendly brochure maps can have a significant impact by providing
Chapter 5 : Hike & Bike Programs | 5-3