Hike and Bike System Master Plan Hike and Bike System Master Plan | Page 84


Bicycle Clubs There are many clubs in the Arlington area , geared at recreation and exercise-based riding . They include groups such as the Texas Wheels Cycling Club and Lone Star Cyclists . Bicycles Inc , a local bicycle shop , provides information on safety tips and places to ride , along with a calendar of group rides for everyone from beginners to experts . Two new organizations , Bike Friendly Arlington ( BFA ) and Friendly Arlington Neighborhoods and Streets ( FANS ) were formed during the development of this Plan .
5.2 Programming Recommendations
While hundreds of successful programs can be found throughout the United States , a short list has been determined as critical and should be top priorities for Arlington . These specific program recommendations are discussed in detail below . A thorough listing of additional education , encouragement , and enforcement programs and resources can be found in Appendix B .
Bicycle Friendly Community Status The League of American Bicyclists ( LAB ) promotes the national Bicycle Friendly Communities ( BFC ) Program . Only one city in Texas ( Austin ) has accomplished this designation , a silver ranking . A primary goal for the City of Arlington during this planning process is to gain BFC status . Having an adopted Hike and Bike System Master Plan in place , with key infrastructure and programming elements included , will make Arlington a very strong candidate . The City of Arlington should strive to implement programs that other BFC communities have completed . The detailed audit may be found at www . bikeleague . org / programs / bicyclefriendlyamerica / communities / getting _ started . php . It includes questions for five categories : engineering , education , encouragement , enforcement , and evaluation . Action steps in the implementation chapter are specifically geared to address key elements of this audit .
Arlington Hike and Bike Advisory Committee ( HBAC ) Due to the significant interest in this planning process at the staff and resident level and the tremendous amount of implementation necessary within Arlington as part of this Plan , a permanent Hike and Bike Advisory Committee ( HBAC ) should be formed . The HBAC would be a beneficial resource for promoting both bicycle and pedestrian safety , providing feedback on opportunities and obstacles within the City , educating bicyclists and motorists about sharing the road , mobilizing support for bicycle and pedestrian issues , and assisting in the coordination of events and outreach campaigns . HBAC subcommittees could take on specific tasks focusing on facility development , programs , and policy development . Most importantly , this group would focus on citywide issues , including urban , suburban , and rural issues . The group would
This 2010 booklet is available for download and provides an overview of the Bicycle Friendly Community program : www . bikeleague . org / programs / bicyclefriendlyamerica /
5-2 | Chapter 5 : Hike & Bike Programs