Hike and Bike System Master Plan Hike and Bike System Master Plan | Page 83


5 . Hike & Bike Programs

Chapter Contents
5.0 Overview
5.1 Program History and Current Programs
5.2 Programing Recommendations
5.0 Overview
Programming is a key element of a comprehensive strategy to create a more hikable and bikable Arlington . The recommendations in chapters 3-4 are only one piece of the puzzle . Once these amenities are on the ground , it is critical to focus on use and safety for the different types of users through education , encouragement , and enforcement programs . This chapter outlines current programs and makes key recommendations to advance the hike and bike friendliness of Arlington .
5.1 Program History and Current Programs
Arlington and the Dallas-Fort Worth area have had an active bicycle and pedestrian programming history in recent years . The following gives a brief description of ongoing efforts :
City of Arlington The City of Arlington has conducted programs throughout the years aimed at increasing healthy living , biking , and hiking . These have included such things as bike rodeos , bike safety training , and other initiatives . Recently , the Mayor of Arlington issued pedometers to children to encourage them to walk more . However , the City , with cooperation from local agencies and stakeholders , should begin to invest more in programs that support the goals established through this Plan .
BikeDFW ( www . bikedfw . org ) BikeDFW is an organization that includes cyclists and community members working to make cycling safer and easier in the Dallas- Fort Worth region . The mission is to work with local cyclists , clubs , neighborhood groups , businesses , and local governments to increase utilitarian and recreational use of bicycles . An important goal is providing education and encouragement programs . The group provides education courses for cycling on the road and in groups . The Bike DFW website is a tremendous resource , updating the community on local events , cycling training courses , group rides , and news releases and providing information on commuting and advocacy .
Chapter 5 : Hike & Bike Programs | 5-1