Hike and Bike System Master Plan Hike and Bike System Master Plan | Page 78


Connectivity Between and within Land Uses Critical to the walkability of an area is the connection of multiple land uses and the creation of safe , walkable spaces within each type of land use . This principle should be applied to all new development . Mixed-use development promotes bicycle and pedestrian travel for utilitarian trips . However , pedestrian connectivity can also be provided between differing adjacent land uses as well .
Connecting severed streets reestablishes walking routes .
These example diagrams show the route from home to school in two scenarios : a sprawling development pattern that creates indirect routes ( left ) and a traditional grid street network that allows for more direct routes and more alternative routes between destinations ( right ).
4.4 Recommendations and Network Map
The pedestrian recommendations in this Plan should be developed or improved to create a safe and connected pedestrian network throughout Arlington . All pedestrian projects undertaken should aim to meet the highest standards possible when site conditions allow . Design guidelines in Chapter 7 provide detailed information regarding type , treatment , and proper placement .
Some of the treatments recommended in this chapter have been proven to reduce crashes , as shown in the 2007 FHWA Crash Reduction Factors Study ( http :// safety . fhwa . dot . gov ). Table 4.1 shows some typical countermeasures and associated crash reduction factors from that study .
4-4 | Chapter 4 : Hike Network