Hike and Bike System Master Plan Hike and Bike System Master Plan | Page 79

Table 4.1 Pedestrian Crash Reduction Factors
Crash Reduction Factor
Install sidewalk
74 %
Install pedestrian countdown signal heads
25 %
Install pedestrian refuge islands
56 %
Improve / install pedestrian crossings
25 %
All recommendations were developed at a planning level . Each of these locations will need a more detailed project-level review . The conclusions reached through more detailed review may vary from those presented herein .
Intersection Recommendation Tables Most intersections and mid-block crossings in Arlington need some form of improvement ( 190 intersections were analyzed in detail and recommendations are provided ). Pedestrians have a much greater risk of being struck by a vehicle when crossing a roadway as opposed to walking on the shoulder or sidewalk beside it . Nationally , nearly 75 % of all police-reported pedestrian crashes involve pedestrians crossing roadway travel lanes .
Committee input , public input , and consultant fieldwork identified the 190 key intersections in Arlington in need of improvement . These are by no means the only crossing improvements needed throughout the City . All intersections should meet standards provided in Chapter 7 : Design Guidelines . See Appendix F : Intersection Inventory and Recommendations for these tables .
Hike Network Map The following citywide map displays the hike recommendations ( sidewalks , greenways , and crossing improvements ). For easier interpretation , see Appendix G for tiled network maps .
Chapter 4 : Hike Network | 4-5