Hike and Bike System Master Plan Hike and Bike System Master Plan | Page 77

Above and below : examples of mid block crossings .
Traffic Calming Traffic calming is a critical element of a safe pedestrian system and should be considered with all pedestrian improvements made throughout the City , especially for residential and collector roads . Traffic calming elements can be combined with sidewalk and crossing improvement projects or can be developed on their own . In many cases , sidewalk development may not be feasible due to challenges such as right-of-way availability . In these cases , especially near schools , parks , and lower-income residential areas , traffic calming is an effective solution to slow traffic and create safer environments for pedestrians . Examples of traffic calming elements are : in-roadway pedestrian crossing signs ( for mid-block crossings ), median refuges , curb extensions , and speed humps . See Chapter 8 : Design Guidelines for more detail .
Driveway access management High frequencies of driveways and curb-cuts create hazards for bicyclists and pedestrians . Every time an automobile enters or exits a roadway , it presents a hazard to pedestrians and bicyclists as it crosses their travel path . Hazards are limited by diverting access points to side streets , combining them for adjacent businesses , and closing all redundant or unnecessary access points . Roadway segments with particularly high numbers of curb-cuts include Cooper Street and Collins Street . The City of Arlington should ensure future development limits driveway access .
Driveway access management detail .
Chapter 4 : Hike Network | 4-3