Hike and Bike System Master Plan Hike and Bike System Master Plan | Page 68


3.6 End-of-trip Facilities
A comprehensive approach beyond the bicycle network must be taken to incorporate end-of-trip facilities . Citizen input across the country continues to identify bike parking , storage , and / or shower facilities as critical to making transportation by bicycle possible .
Bike Parking Bike parking is an essential , yet often forgotten component of a complete bike system that provides increased convenience , accessibility , and functionality . Properly designed and placed bike parking at key destinations in addition to corridor bikeways makes cycling a more feasible option for trips to work , the grocery , parks , etc . Parking should be ubiquitous , convenient and secure , and complement the surrounding streetscape . It should be as convenient as motor vehicle parking . The City of Arlington has an opportunity to proactively respond to the parking needs of residents today as well as anticipate parking desires in the future .
Bicycle parking can be introduced in a number of ways :
Above : example bicycle parking
• Zoning code improvements ( requirements for bicycle parking spaces with new development ).
• Public right-of-way bike rack additions ( for short-term parking ).
• Bicycle stations ( enhanced bike parking areas with lockers and other features ).
• End-of-trip facilities to also include showers / changing stations especially at places of work .
The City of Arlington should consider the following to ensure bike parking becomes a priority :
• Seek changes to regulations to ensure all land uses provide ample bike parking and end-of-trip facilities such as showers / change facilities and lockers .
• Ensure high-quality , placement , and function of bike parking to ensure practical , safe , and functional use .
• Encourage building owners to add or upgrade bicycle parking .
• Establish a funding stream to fulfill future parking demand , improvements , and maintenance .
Bicycle Parking - Important Locations
• UT-Arlington and Tarrant County College
• Elementary , middle , and high schools
• Key shopping centers
• Key places of employment
• Downtown
3-14 | Chapter 3 : Bike Network