Hike and Bike System Master Plan Hike and Bike System Master Plan | Page 64


Decision Tree for Recommending Bicycle Facilities
In order to determine what type of facility to recommend for individual roadways , a methodology was developed for the City of Arlington . Utilizing such information as future roadway reconstruction schedules , existing roadway widths , existing roadway speed limits , and existing traffic volumes , the decisions were made through a decision-tree , as presented below .
Does the roadway have curb and gutter that is either existing or planned ?
Does roadway have multi-lanes , high traffic volume , and high speed ? ( Perception of danger for bicyclists-- subjective measure )
Yes No
Paved Shoulder ( rural area ) or Sidepath ( if few driveways )
Within the bicycle lane corridor , does the roadway segment connect bicycle lanes on either side and have width for bicycle lanes ?
Continue Bicycle Lane
Signed , Marked Bike Route
Is there ROW space and limited driveways ?
Yes No
Does roadway outside lane have space to simply stripe bicycle lane ? ( In this step , speed limit should be under 45 mph and preferably under 35 mph )
Yes No
Wide Outside Lane
Is there on-street parking with space for car door zone and bicycle lanes ?
Can travel lanes be narrowed to create space for bicycle lanes ?
Bicycle Lane Restripe
Signed , Marked Bike Route
Bicycle Lane Restripe
Bicycle Lane TLC ( Lower speed limit )
Does roadway have excess capacity with lower traffic volume ? ( use Thoroughfare Development Plan volume / capacity data ) Yes No
Is roadway slated for future widening or reconstruction ?
Yes No
Bicycle Lane New Construction
No Facility Solution
3-10 | Chapter 3 : Bike Network