Hike and Bike System Master Plan Hike and Bike System Master Plan | Page 65


3.3 Arlington Thoroughfare Development Plan
At the time of this study , the Arlington Thoroughfare Development Plan was also being developed . Data was shared between the consultants for both projects . For purposes of on-road bike recommendations in this Plan , the Thoroughfare Development Plan data sets of volume and capacity for the year 2009 and modeled for 2030 were utilized . All bike lane-travel lane conversion ( TLC ) recommendations were checked against the Thoroughfare Development Plan data to either verify a reduction in travel lanes or change to a “ new construction ” recommendation . Also , additional roadways in which bike lanes were recommended were analyzed for 2030 volume / capacity ( V / C ) ratios to determine if ( TLC ) were feasible options .
P r o c e d u r e U s e d f o r A n a l y z i n g ‘ Tr a v e l L a n e C o n v e r s i o n ’ B i k e Recommendations with Thoroughfare Development Plan Data
Does the bike recommendation require a change in the number of travel lanes ( TLC )?
Yes No
What is the 2030 volume / capacity ( v / c ) and number of lanes ?
OK . No analysis needed .
What would the v / c be if the bike recommendation was implemented ?
Is the v / c < 0.9 ? Yes
OK . No change needed .
What would the 2009 v / c and level of service ( LOS ) be with a ‘ TLC ’?
Is the v / c < 0.9 ?
Further Study
Change recommendation to “ Bike Lane , New Construction ”
Chapter 3 : Bike Network | 3-11