Hike and Bike System Master Plan Hike and Bike System Master Plan | Page 63


3.2 Methodology for Bike System Design
The bike facility system was designed by first assembling all existing bicycle-related recommendations and information from current plans and studies . Next , a thorough analysis using geographic information systems ( GIS ) and fieldwork was conducted to examine roadways for recommendations . Finally , on-road recommendations were modified based on 2030 traffic volumes and capacity data that was modeled for the Arlington Thoroughfare Development Plan . The assembled information was then presented to the public , local government staff , the Steering Committee , and various project stakeholders . Together , the input from these groups helped to inform the overall system design through writing and drawing on input maps , filling-out comment forms , direct dialogue , and e-mailed comments . These and other key inputs are shown in the diagram below .
Field Analysis of Current Conditions
Public Input : Workshops + Comment Forms
Existing Facilities and Current Recommendations
Direction from City of Arlington
Bicycle Network
Connectivity , Trip Attractors , & Gap Analysis
Steering Committee Input
Roadway Configuration + Thoroughfare Development Plan Data
Chapter 3 : Bike Network | 3-9