Hike and Bike System Master Plan Hike and Bike System Master Plan | Page 62


the bicycling environment .
• Create safe and comfortable crossings of high-volume roadways ( such as Cooper Street and Collins Street ).
• Create minimal disruption to the continuous flow of bicycle traffic .
Traffic Calming Traffic calming is a component often implemented with a separated bikeway , shared roadway bikeway , and bicycle boulevard . When it is not possible to install a bicycle lane or shared lane markings , traffic calming may improve the bicycling environment . Traffic calming devices are used to reduce motorized vehicle speeds , improve the environment and livability of a street , and provide real and perceived safety for motorized and nonmotorized users of a roadway . Traffic calming devices include traffic circles , chicanes , curb extensions , bulb-outs , median islands , and bicycle boulevards . If designed and implemented properly , with consideration for the impacts on bicyclists , traffic calming devices can have beneficial impacts for bicyclists and pedestrians .
Traffic calming should be considered on roadways throughout Arlington on a case-by-case basis .
3.1.3 Off-road Paths Off-road bikeways are intended to completely separate bicyclists and pedestrians from motorized vehicles . These are the preferred facility for novice and average bicyclists . Special consideration must be given to environmental conditions and all roadway crossings .
Sidepaths Multi-use paths located adjacent to the roadway are called ‘ sidepaths ’. Sidepaths are most appropriate in corridors with few driveways and intersections . Bicycle routes where side paths are recommended should also have adequate on-road bicycle facilities ( such as paved shoulders or bicycle lanes ) wherever possible .
Multi-use Paths or Greenways Multi-use paths are completely separated from motorized vehicular traffic and are constructed in their own corridor , often within an open-space area . Multi-use paths include greenway trails , rail-trails and other facilities built exclusively for bicycle and pedestrian traffic . The most significant greenway recommendation is the continued development of the regional trail system . The City of Arlington should make every effort to provide connectivity from residential and commercial sites to the trail system through greenway spur trails .
Above : example sidepath
3-8 | Chapter 3 : Bike Network