Hike and Bike System Master Plan Hike and Bike System Master Plan | Page 61


3.1.2 . Shared Roadway Bikeways Shared roadway bikeways are intended to be implemented on lower volume roadways than separated in-roadway facilities . Each type of shared roadway bikeway has its own unique considerations , as identified below .
Signed Bicycle Route ( Enhanced Shared Roadway ) These routes are recommended on roadways where bicycles are not given priority , but bikeway signage and markings are used to increase driver awareness of bicycles on the roadway and traffic calming devices and / or intersection crossing treatments enhance bicycle travel . Shared lane markings also direct cyclists to ride in the proper direction and remind cyclists to ride further from parked cars to avoid ‘ dooring ’ collisions . Typically , these routes are recommended in locations that serve as alternate routes for dangerous roadways . They were chosen as part of the network because of the importance of overall system connectivity and connectivity to destinations such as parks and schools .
Above : example shared lane marking
Above : example bicycle route
Bicycle Boulevard Bicycle boulevards are recommended on streets with low motorized traffic volumes and speeds where bicycle travel is given priority . Signs , markings , traffic calming and other improvements are used to discourage through trips by motor vehicles and create safe , convenient bicycle crossings of busy arterial streets . Bicycle boulevards are not just signed bicycle routes , but are streets on which bicycles have preference over cars and are designed in a way to effectively divert motorized traffic . Design elements that may be included are diverters , reconfiguration of stop signs to favor the bike boulevard , traffic calming and shared lane markings , as well as crossing improvements at high-traffic crossings . Automotive traffic still has access to residences or businesses , but traffic control devices are used to control automobile traffic speeds and access while supporting through bicycle traffic ( also see page 4-3 for information about driveway access management ).
Bicycle boulevards are best developed in areas with especially high potential for bicycle use so that the presence of bicyclists themselves on the street becomes a significant design element . Bicycle boulevards also work well in areas where through motor vehicle traffic can reasonably be directed to other streets .
Implementing Shared Roadway Facility Projects : The principal considerations for implementing shared roadway bikeways are :
• Minimize the impact of motor vehicle volumes and speeds on
Chapter 3 : Bike Network | 3-7