Hike and Bike System Master Plan Hike and Bike System Master Plan | Page 56


designated by striping , signage , and pavement markings for the preferential and exclusive use of bicyclists . Bicycle lanes are always located on both sides of the road ( except one way streets ), and carry bicyclists in the same direction as adjacent motor vehicle traffic . The minimum , acceptable width for a bicycle lane is 5 feet ; 6 foot bike lanes are typical for collector and arterial roads .
Wide Outside Lane A wide outside lane refers to the through lane closest to the curb and gutter of a roadway . According to the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials ( AASHTO ), the standard lane width to accommodate both motorists and bicyclists is 14 feet . This facility type allows motorists to more safely pass slower moving bicyclists without changing lanes . Wide outside lanes are intended for bicyclists with traffic-handling skills .
Paved Shoulders Paved shoulders are the part of a roadway which is contiguous and on the same level as the regularly traveled portion of the roadway . There is no minimum width for paved shoulders , however a width of at least 4 feet is preferred . Ideally , paved shoulders should be included in the construction of new roadways and / or the upgrade of existing roadways , especially where there is a need to more safely accommodate bicycles . Paved shoulders are typically recommended on rural roadways . However , if future development occurs , roadways are reconstructed , and / or curb and gutter are added in the future , bicycle lanes should be considered as a replacement for paved shoulders .
Above : example bicycle lane .
Above : example wide outside lane .
Implementing Separated In-roadway Bikeways : Separated in-roadway facilities may be constructed through standalone bikeway projects , roadway reconstruction , new roadway construction , or routine roadway resurfacing . On existing roadways , separated in-roadway facilities may also be implemented by one of four strategies – restriping ( narrowing existing travel lanes ), travel lane conversions ( removing travel lanes ), striping ( simply adding striping ), or roadway reconstruction ( widening the roadway to create space for separated facilities ).
Such strategies can be implemented only after consideration of impacts to all modes , including observation and forecasting of motor vehicle and bicycle volumes and parking utilization . Where there are competing demands for roadway space , policy and analysis inform how these demands are managed and met . Unless prohibited with “ no parking ” signage , parking is allowed in bike lanes in Arlington . Existing parking on residential streets will not be prohibited due to the addition of bicycle lanes .
Above : example paved shoulder
Implementation Methods for Bicycle Lanes ( System Map Subcategory Definitions )
3-2 | Chapter 3 : Bike Network