Hike and Bike System Master Plan Hike and Bike System Master Plan | Page 55



Chapter Contents 3.0 Overview
3.1 Recommended Facility Types
3.2 Methodology for Bike System Design
3.3 Arlington Thoroughfare Development Plan
3.4 Bike System Breakdown
3.5 Bike System Priority Projects
3.6 End-of-trip Facilities 3.7 Regional Connectivity 3.8 Bike Network Map
3.9 Bicycle Treatment Photo Visualizations
3.0 Overview
Arlington ’ s Bike System represents a comprehensive set of existing and proposed bicycle transportation and recreation facilities . The network includes on-road and off-road facilities such as bicycle lanes and trails . In total , there are approximately 138 miles of bicycle recommendations , all of which are shown in Map 3.1 . Appendix G displays tiled recommendation maps for easier interpretation .
The following sections of this chapter include 1 ) descriptions of the types of facilities and treatments that make up the system ; 2 ) how the network was designed ( methodology ); 3 ) incorporation of Thoroughfare Development Plan ; 4 ) City of Arlington overall system breakdown ; 5 ) priority projects and maps ; 6 ) end-of-trip facilities and 7 ) regional connectivity .
3.1 Recommended Facility Types
A variety of bicycle facilities are recommended due to 1 ) the range of skill and comfort levels involved in bicycling , and 2 ) the range of existing conditions for bicycling in different landscapes and on different roadway environments . These recommendations are at a planning level only and will require further analysis before implementation .
The recommended bicycle system is made up of three major types of facilities ( separated in-roadway bikeways , shared roadway bikeways , and off-road bikeways ). Within each type are multiple facility options that are tailor-recommended for specific segments of the overall system . Descriptions and standards for each type are described in Chapter 7 : Design Guidelines . The images and descriptions below are provided for a quick reference when viewing the Bicycle Facility System Maps at the end of this chapter .
3.1.1 Separated in-roadway bikeways Separated in-roadway bikeways are used typically on arterial and collector roadways where motor vehicle traffic volumes or speeds are higher than residential roads . They include :
Bicycle Lane A bicycle lane is a portion of the roadway that has been
Chapter 3 : Bike Network | 3-1