Hike and Bike System Master Plan Hike and Bike System Master Plan | Page 57

As indicated in the legend of the bicycle network maps in Appendix G , some facilities are broken down into sub-categories for method of development . Those for bicycle lanes are explained below : Bicycle Lane - Travel Lane Conversion : Travel lane conversions typically involve reducing the number of travel lanes ( from a four lane road to a two lane road with center turn lane , for example ) allowing adequate space for bicycle lanes . Travel lane conversions also have traffic calming benefits . These projects can occur during roadway resurfacing projects .
Bicycle Lane - Stripe : Refers to projects that require only the striping of a bicycle lane , with no other changes needed to the roadway or existing roadway striping .
Bicycle Lane - Restripe : Refers to projects that require restriping travel lanes ( often to a more narrow width ) allowing adequate space for bicycle lanes . Narrowing the widths of travel lanes has been demonstrated to have no affect on overall roadway capacity ( for more on this topic , refer to the following section on ‘ lane narrowing ’). These projects can occur during roadway resurfacing projects .
Bicycle Lane - New Construction & Paved Shoulder – New Construction : Refers to projects that require adding additional pavement width to the roadway to allow adequate space for bicycle lanes or shoulders . It is likely that these bicycle facilities will be implemented to coincide with future roadway construction projects .
NARROWING ( RESTRIPING ): Narrowing roadways for traffic calming purposes and bicycle facilities are common occurrences since planners and engineers are trying to not only accommodate vehicles , but bicyclists and pedestrians as well . Narrowing roadways to allow for bicycle lanes or other bicycle facilities is needed in some instances where current roadway widths and traffic volume do not allow for the simple “ striping ” ( painting ) of a bicycle lane .
One means of developing bicycle lanes is through restriping or travel lane narrowing . In laying out the bicycle network recommendations and methods , it was determined that 10 foot travel lanes were acceptable in order to fit bicycle lanes into the existing roadway environment . For example , an existing five lane cross section with 12-foot lanes ( Total roadway width of 60 feet ) could be altered to 10-foot lanes with 5-foot bicycle lanes ( Total roadway width of 60 feet ). This methodology used in developing recommendations is supported by research in both automobile traffic safety and bicycle level of service improvements .
Chapter 3 : Bike Network | 3-3