Hike and Bike System Master Plan Hike and Bike System Master Plan | Page 264

Seeking Foundation Support and Applying for Grants
Certain foundations and organizations exist which assist in direct funding for trail , bicycling and walking projects , while others exist to help citizen efforts become established with small seed funds or technical and publicity assistance . Before applying for any grant , it is crucial to review The Foundation Directory and The Foundation Grants Index published by the Foundation Center to learn if a particular project fits the requirements of the foundation . These publications are issued in electronic and printed forms , and may be found in public libraries . Contact each foundation for clarification of their particular requirements prior to deciding to submit an application . More information about the Foundation Center services is available by calling 212-620-4230 . The best way to find such foundations is through the research and information services provided by the National Foundation Center . They maintain a vast storehouse of information , including the guidelines and application procedures for most foundations , and their past funding records . They can be reached at the website below . www . fdncenter . org three states recently awarded $ 2 million by the RWJF to evaluate the effectiveness of childhood obesity prevention policies . Two key childhood obesity prevention policies will be evaluated : Texas SRTS program , a program encouraging students to be more physically active by walking to school , and food allocation package revisions administered through the Texas Women , Infants and Children ( WIC ) nutrition program . The purpose of the grants is to inform decision makers about the effectiveness of these two childhood obesity prevention policies . These studies will also help local , state , and national policymakers identify policies that work toward promoting children ’ s healthy eating and increased physical activity . This grant is unique in that the size and diversity of Texas will allow for a large study of underserved populations , determining how these policies affect different segments of the at-risk population , including the Hispanic / Latino population along the Texas / Mexico border .
Grant Writing Tips
The following are some helpful tips for successful grant writing :
Texas Parks and Wildlife Department Recreational Trail Grants
The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department ( TPWD ) administers the National Recreational Trails Fund in Texas under the approval of the Federal Highway Administration ( FHWA ). A portion of the funding is received from federal gas taxes paid on fuel used in non-highway recreational vehicles . Trail grants can fund up to 80 % of project cost for both motorized and non-motorized recreational trail projects . Eligible project types include : the construction of new recreational trails , improvement of existing trails , development of trailheads or trailside facilities , and acquiring property for trail corridors .
Visit the TPWD Recreational Trail Grants link to learn more about this funding opportunity . www . tpwd . state . tx . us / business / grants / trpa /
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation ( RWJF )
The RWJF awarded Texas with a $ 2 million childhood obesity grant . This grant will be used to evaluate the effectiveness of childhood obesity prevention policies . Texas is one of
D-10 | Appendix D : Funding Resources
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Read the directions and applications thoroughly .
Find out what projects were previously funded .
Obtain a copy of a successful application .
Find out who reviews the applications and talk to him or her ; it may be an individual or a larger group .
Always include a picture and graphic that quickly conveys what is being requested in the application .
Identify key words and concepts in the grant application and then use them in your narrative .
Convey a sense of urgency . For example , if funding is not obtained , something of value such as a rail corridor will be lost .
Provide a timeline . Demonstrate that the project is ready to go once funding is secured .
Focus on a tangible product ( e . g ., construct something , purchase property ,