Hike and Bike System Master Plan Hike and Bike System Master Plan | Page 263

Future Transportation Needs
Currently , TxDOT is updating its statewide Long- Range Transportation Plan ( LRTP ), and is asking for input in developing this blueprint for how Texas addresses its future transportation needs . This plan will provide a framework for developing and implementing a multi-modal transportation system through 2035 , including highways , rail , water ports , airports , pedestrian and bicycle facilities , pipelines , and Intelligent Transportation Systems . The LRTP is the foundation for many planning efforts underway at TxDOT . It is critical to inform TxDOT and the public about the importance of pedestrian and cycling issues . This will help to incorporate hike and bike-friendly language into the state-wide transportation plan .
State Coordinator
Typically , each state has a Bicycle and Pedestrian Coordinator in its state department of transportation . The coordinator helps promote and facilitate the increased use of nonmotorized transportation , including developing projects for the use of pedestrians and bicyclists and public educational , promotional , and safety programs for using such facilities . Typically , the FHWA Bicycle and Pedestrian Program issues guidance and is responsible for overseeing that requirements in legislation are understood and met by the states and other implementing agencies .
Commorative Lance Armstrong license plate sales generate revenue to fund the Share the Road Program .
Bike Texas – Share the Road Program
BikeTexas launched an ongoing , extensive educational campaign on how to best Share the Road . The most effective cycling occurs when the bicycle is operated like a motor vehicle , sharing the same rights and responsibilities as the operators of other vehicles . The most powerful campaign has been the “ Share the Road Y ’ all ” specialty license plates .
Not only have the plates brought in an estimated $ 40,000 for bicycle education in one year alone , but they have also provided matching leverage for $ 400,000 in federal grants and emphasized , to motorists and cyclists alike , the importance of sharing the road . For every plate sold , $ 22.00 goes to bicycle and motorist safety education programs . Also available are the Share the Road Ya ’ ll Souvenir License Plates . For each souvenir plate , $ 10.00 goes to word BikeTexas education programs as well .
Bike Texas - Community Trails Program
The mission of BikeTexas is to advance bicycle access , safety and education in Texas . BikeTexas , formerly known as Texas Bicycle Coalition , was formed in 1991 to unify the voices of thousands of bicycle enthusiasts , the bicycle industry , Texas bicycle clubs and Texas-based bicycle rides and events . With the support of these members and community partners , BikeTexas seeks to develop and steward the future of bicycling in Texas and encourage bicycle use as a healthy and mainstream lifestyle and transportation choice .
BikeTexas has achieved unprecedented success , gaining statewide , national and even international prominence . Longstanding partners such as the Texas Department of Transportation ( TxDOT ), the Texas Department of Public Safety ( TxDPS ), the Texas Education Agency ( TEA ), the Texas Parks & Wildlife Department , the National Highway & Traffic Safety Administration ( NHTSA ), and the U . S . Department of Education have helped BikeTexas establish landmark programs such as the Texas SuperCyclist Program , the Texas SuperCollege Program , the BikeTexas Safe Routes to School Program , the BikeTexas Kids Kup , and many others .
BikeTexas is a nonprofit 501 ( c )( 4 ) organization . Contributions and membership dues can be used for legislative efforts and therefore are not tax-deductible . BikeTexas Education Fund is a nonprofit 501 ( c )( 3 ) organization . All donations to the Education Fund are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law . www . biketexas . org / index . php ? option = com _ c ontent & view = article & id = 48 & Itemid = 60
Appendix D : Funding Resources | D-9