Hike and Bike System Master Plan Hike and Bike System Master Plan | Page 262

selected that advance regional priorities . Projects are evaluated on their merits and impact on the transportation system . The selection criteria include cost effectiveness , congestion reduction and coordination with other modes of transportation .
There are a number of funding opportunities associated with NCTCOG including Transportation Enhancement ( TE ) Program , Sustainable Development Call for Projects ( which receive funds from multiple sources ), Local Air Quality Bicycle / Pedestrian Project Recommendations 2006 , and Regional Tollway Revenue Funding Initiative . Some of these opportunities utilize outside funding sources while facilitating the selection process of projects such as the Sustainable Development Call for Projects while others benefit from generating their own funding source such as Regional Tollway Revenue Funding Initiative . CMAQ and STPMM are federal funds that get allocated to the States , and the State of Texas allocates these funds every six years in their traffic budgeting . STP-MM funds ( Surface Transportation Program-Metropolitan Mobility ), known as ‘ Mobility Funds ’, are federal funds selected by the RTC used on used on Capacity Increasing Projects ( freeways , traffic flow improvements , air quality project , etc .).
Sustainable Development Program
This program is designed to foster growth and development in and around historic downtowns and Main Streets , infill areas , and passenger rail lines and stations . The program allocates transportation funds to projects promoting alternative transportation modes or reduced automobile use in an effort to address mounting air quality , congestion , and quality of life issues . For projects to be selected for this program , NCT- COG has issued Calls for Sustainable Projects . The NCTCOG Sustainable Development Program has facilitated a Call for Projects in a number of years including 2001 , 2005 , and 2009 . In 2001 , projects were funded through CMAQ and STPMM funds . In 2005 , a local dollars bond was established that funded projects . 2009 , the two regions that NCTCOG provides services were broken in half for funding sources . The Eastern region utilized Regional Toll Revenue funds while the Western region used STPMM funds .
Eligible project types included : infrastructure , land banking , Center of Development Excellence , and Sustainable Development projects . Through the 2005 Call for Projects , more than $ 16.9 million in funding was awarded to Sustainable Development projects with bicycle and pedestrian elements . The 2009 Call for Projects awarded $ 42 million dollars to sustainable transportation projects .
Local Air Quality Bicycle / Pedestrian Project Recommendations 2006
NCTCOG initiated the 2006 Local Government Air Quality Program in an effort to address the new federal 8-hour ozone standard , and the current non-attainment status of the Dallas-Fort Worth region . Eligible project types included : traffic signals , bicycle / pedestrian connections , park-and-ride reduction programs , air quality outreach and marketing programs , vanpool programs , and other air quality strategies . Bicycle and Pedestrian Projects received more than $ 9 million in funding through the Local Government Air Quality Program . The source for the funding of this program comes from CMAQ funds .
Visit the link below to view regional projects that were awarded funding through the 2006 Local Air Quality Funding Initiative . www . nctcog . org / trans / tip / 2006AugSTTCActionDRAFT _ Recomnds _ BikePed . pdf
Regional Tollway Revenue Funding Initiative
NCTCOG announced the Regional Tollway Revenue Funding Initiative in April 2007 and closed the Call for Projects on August 3 , 2007 . The Regional Tollway Revenue Funding initiative will distribute $ 2.5 billion in toll proceeds from State Highway 121 to fund roadway , transit , air quality , safety , sustainable development , and bicycle and pedestrian projects . Cost overruns and projects affected by federal recessions will receive priority funding . Of the 561 total projects submitted , the funding request for the 41 bicycle and pedestrian specific projects totals more than $ 94 million .
Visit the Regional Tollway Funding Initiative link below for the current status of NCTCOG funding recommendations . www . nctcog . org / trans / tip / cda / index . asp
D-8 | Appendix D : Funding Resources