Hike and Bike System Master Plan Hike and Bike System Master Plan | Page 261

million ( actual appropriations are determined each year ). The NAWCA program ’ s appropriation was $ 37.5 million in FY 2004 . The southern states have been the most effective at applying for NAWCA grants . The projects are approved at the national level through the North American Wetlands Conservation Council .

Urban Park and Recreation Recovery Program ( UPARR )
The Urban Park and Recreation Recovery Program was developed as the urban component to the Land and Water Conservation Fund in 1978 . UPARR grants are given to eligible cities and counties and are meant to assist disadvantaged areas . The grants fund rehabilitation and planning for recreational services in urban areas . From the program ’ s inception in 1978 to 2002 , it has distributed approximately $ 272 million for 1,461 grants to local jurisdictions in 43 states , the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico . A local match of at least 30 percent is required for most grants . Appropriations for this program have varied widely from a high of more than $ 60 million in 1980 to zero dollars in 2003 .
Community Development Block Grants ( CDBG )
The Community Development Block Grants through the Department of Housing and Urban Development ( HUD ), provide funds for community-based projects . Examples of these types of funded projects are :
• Commercial district streetscape improvements ;
• Sidewalk improvements ;
• Safe routes to school ; and
• Neighborhood-based bicycling and walking facilities that improve local transportation options or help revitalize neighborhoods .
Additional funds are available through Federal Land Agencies such as the National Forest Service , National Park Service , or Bureau of Land Management . These funds are primarily for trails and must be on federal lands .
State Funding Sources
The North Central Texas Council of Governments ( NCTCOG ) is a voluntary association of , by , and for local governments , and was established to assist local governments in planning for common needs , cooperating for mutual benefit , and coordinating for sound regional development . NCTCOG ’ s purpose is to strengthen both the individual and collective power of local governments and to help them recognize regional opportunities , eliminate unnecessary duplication , and make joint decisions .
The North Central Texas Council of Governments ( NCTCOG ) is a voluntary association of , by , and for the local governments , and was established to assist local governments in planning for common needs , cooperating for mutual benefit , and coordinating for sound regional development . NCTCOG is a council that believes by regionalism that involving local governments in decision making is the best way to decide policy and affect people at a local level . NCTCOG ’ s purpose is to strengthen both the individual and collective power of local governments and to help the recognize regional opportunities , eliminate unnecessary duplication , and make joint decisions .
There are a number of groups and organizations that advise and take direction from the NCTCOG . The Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee ( BPAC ) assists the Regional Transportation Council and the Executive Board of the NCTCOG in the selection of funded bicycle and pedestrian projects . The Bike Web is a tool on the NCTCOG website that gives information regarding existing and future bicycle trails information for the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex . For example , the Regional Veloweb is an advertised bicycle trail project being planned as a designated off-street 644 mile bicycle trail .
NCTCOG serves a 16-county region of North Central Texas , which is centered around the two urban centers of Dallas and Fort Worth . NCTCOG has over 230 member governments , including 16 counties , numerous cities , school districts , and special districts .
The NCTCOG relies on competitive calls for projects and other funding initiatives to determine which projects receive money . Projects are
Appendix D : Funding Resources | D-7