Hike and Bike System Master Plan Hike and Bike System Master Plan | Page 260

each state to choose the projects , though the National Park Service has final approval .
Under stateside , a project must fit into a state ’ s recreation plan , furthering its goals on recreation and open space . Usually each state has a ranking system that determines how grant funds will be spent . State grant funds can also be used for park development and for acquisition of lands and easements . State park directors solicit communities to apply for projects and distribute funds to those worthy projects based on a scoring process .
More information about the federal Land and Water Conservation Fund is available from Americans for Our Heritage and Recreation and the National Park Service website .
Farm and Ranch Land Protection Program ( FRPP )
The federal Farm and Ranch Land Protection Program ( FRPP ) promotes the conservation of productive agricultural land through the purchase of development rights ( PDR ), or conservation easements . The 2002 Farm Bill provided a total of $ 600 million in funding authorization for FRPP between fiscal 2002 and 2007 , up from $ 53 million in the prior Farm Bill . Between 1996 and 2002 , more than 108,000 acres were protected through PDRs as a result of the program . In fiscal year 2004 , the FRPP provided $ 87 million in grants to states , local governments and nonprofit conservation groups to purchase conservation easements on agricultural land .
Grants for 50 percent of the cost of a permanent conservation easement ( PDR ) are awarded on a competitive basis , according to national and state criteria . Up to 25 % of the easement ’ s value can be donated by the landowner and counted as match . Grant applications are submitted by a state or local entity , or eligible non-profit , to the State Conservationist , a federal employee who oversees all USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service ( NRCS ) programs in that state . The state conservationist then prioritizes the projects and sends them to NRCS in Washington for approval of funding .
Forest Legacy Program ( FLP )
Established in 1990 , the Forest Legacy Program provides federal funding to states to assist in securing conservation easements on forestlands threatened with conversion to non-forest uses . States must first qualify before agencies or organizations within that state are eligible for funds .
A state voluntarily enters the program by submitting an Assessment of Need ( AON ) to the Secretary of Agriculture for approval . These plans establish the lead state agency , the state ’ s criteria for Forest Legacy projects , and Forest Legacy areas within which proposed Legacy projects must be located . Some states draw very specific lines ; others designate the entire state as an eligible Forest Legacy area .
The Forest Legacy Program rules require that states submit a list of proposed Forest Legacy projects to the U . S . Forest Service for funding consideration . To prepare that list , a state Forest Stewardship Committee meets to prioritize eligible projects . Each enrolled state has a Forest Legacy Program coordinator who oversees the project recommendation process and acts as the state ’ s liaison to the U . S . Forest Service .
For much of the history of the program , funding was extremely limited . From a low point of $ 2 million in FY 1997 , concerted efforts to improve the funding outlook for the program have been successful , resulting in a strong and steady increase to $ 30 million in FY00 and $ 71 million in FY04 .
North American Wetlands Conservation Act ( NAWCA )
The North American Wetlands Conservation Act was passed in 1989 to acquire , restore or enhance wetland ecosystems for waterfowl and other migratory birds . The program is administered by the U . S . Fish and Wildlife Service . There are standard grants and small grants – standard grants are from $ 51,000 to $ 1 million dollars and small grants are for up to $ 50,000 . The grants are available for private or public agencies in the U . S ., Canada or Mexico . There is a 1:1 grant match requirement .
In December 2002 , Congress reauthorized appropriations for the Act through FY 2007 , reflecting its and the public ’ s support of the Act ’ s goals . Congress increased the appropriation authorization to $ 55 million in 2003 , with $ 5 million appropriation increases to occur annually until FY 2007 , when the appropriation cap will be $ 75
D-6 | Appendix D : Funding Resources