Hike and Bike System Master Plan Hike and Bike System Master Plan | Page 259

• Sample Plan http :// www . txdot . gov / safety / safe _ routes / information . htm
• 2007 Texas Transportation Commission Approved Funding Letter http :// www . nctcog . org / trans / sustdev / landuse / funding / 2007ApprovedFundingLetter . pdf
• 2007 Texas Transportation Commission Funded Projects http :// www . nctcog . org / trans / sustdev / landuse / funding / 2007ApprovedFundingLetter . pdf
Texas ’ s SRTS funding from FY2005-2009 totaled $ 44,751,640 . SRTS is being continued into FY2010 at FY2009 levels .
Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality ( CMAQ ) Improvement Program
CMAQ funds are competitively awarded through the North Central Texas Council of Governments ( NCTCOG ) utilizing SAFETEA-LU funds . Since 2001 , the NCTCOG SAFETEA-LU CMAQ program in the EPA-designated DFW Metropolitan Management Area ( for air quality non-attainment ) is the Sustainable Development Joint Venture program . Projects must be located in a designated ‘ Ozone Non-Attainment Area ’. The Mobility 2030- 2009 Amendment is the Dallas – Fort Worth region ’ s vision for transportation systems and services in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metropolitan Area . Mobility 2030 : The Metropolitan Transportation Plan for the Dallas-Fort Worth Area , 2009 Amendment was adopted in 2009 to meet air quality requirements . It also outlines the expenditure of nearly $ 71 billion of federal , state , and local funds expected to be available for transportation improvements through 2030 . The amendment details the goals , responsibilities , and activities of the Bicycle and Pedestrian program by setting strategies for providing “ effective , cost efficient , safe intermodal access for bicyclists and pedestrians .” Sustainable development leverages the land use / transportation relationship to improve mobility , enhance air quality , support economic growth , and ensure the financial stability of the transportation system . For more information on CMAQ-funded programs go to : nctcog . org / trans .
Highway Safety Improvement Program ( HSIP )
This new program replaces the Safety Set-aside program and provided $ 5 billion nationally between 2006-2009 . Nearly one percent of these funds are anticipated to go toward bicycle and pedestrian projects . The detailed definition of “ highway safety improvement projects ” includes improvements for pedestrian or bicyclist safety , construction of traffic calming features , and installation and maintenance of fluorescent yellow-green pedestrian / bicycle crossing warning signs .
Other Federal Funding Sources
There is a wide range of other federal funds that can be used for bicycling and walking projects .
Land & Water Conservation Fund ( LWCF ) Stateside
The Land and Water Conservation Fund ( LWCF ) was established by Congress in 1965 . The Act designated that a portion of receipts from offshore oil and gas leases be placed annually into a fund for state and local conservation , as well as for the protection of our national treasures ( parks , forest and wildlife areas ). LWCF is authorized at $ 900 million annually , a level that has been met only twice during the program ’ s 40-year history . The program is divided into two distinct funding categories : state grants and federal acquisition funds .
The LWCF provides grants to the states to use for land protection . It provides a 50 % match to states for planning , developing and acquiring land and water areas for natural resource protection and recreation enhancement . Annual appropriations to the Fund have ranged from a high of $ 369 million in 1979 to four years of zero funding between 1996 and 1999 . Beginning in 2000 , the Fund has experienced a significant increase in appropriations for state and local grants with $ 40 million in FY 2000 , almost $ 89 million in FY 2001 , $ 140 million in FY 2002 , and $ 95 million for FY 2003 . Funds are distributed to states based on population and need .
The “ stateside ” of LWCF is distributed to all 50 states , DC and the territories by a formula based on population among other factors . Once the funds are distributed to the states , it is up to
Appendix D : Funding Resources | D-5